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have Ad Blocker. Need some suggestions on reading content

Everything was fine with my Ad Blocker Plus.  But now even CNN is giving notice to Whitelist them.  I can't read any articles of any newspaper online (all over) because of my Ad Blocker.  Give it up to read stuff or just continue without as I've been doing.  If I lose CNN, or MSNBC etc, I'm kind of stuck.

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Re: have Ad Blocker. Need some suggestions on reading content

Ads pay for content, so they're all going to ask you to whitelist their site and ads so they can make money. 


The one really good alternative I've found is using my phone to read content on those sites. The iPhone (and probably the iPad) have a Reader View that blocks everything but the story content, but it can also block out some video content.

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Re: have Ad Blocker. Need some suggestions on reading content

@Alison Wonderland wrote:

Ads pay for content, so they're all going to ask you to whitelist their site and ads so they can make money. 


The one really good alternative I've found is using my phone to read content on those sites. The iPhone (and probably the iPad) have a Reader View that blocks everything but the story content, but it can also block out some video content.

I was told that earlier.  I have an Android but someone showed me how to get around the ad blocker.   I like to read CNN on the desk top....that was one I wanted to get around.  For some reason,  I don't like to read CNN on my phone. I'll get some tech help. I could disable ad blocker manually on desk top, but that would be a hassle to disable and enable again.  But thank you!

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Re: have Ad Blocker. Need some suggestions on reading content

try clicking on the Adblocker icon to get a dropdown which should allow you an option  to disable, not run on that specific page when site's notice about blocking you comes up  -  this allows you to read some material without disabling the whole service.  i use that quite often.

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Re: have Ad Blocker. Need some suggestions on reading content

@songbird You haven't lost much.

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Re: have Ad Blocker. Need some suggestions on reading content

@songbird   I have the Ad Blocker also. When a page comes up that I want to read I click on the red Ad Block icon and choose the "pause on this site" option, refresh the page and then you can read the article. Once you leave the page, it reverts to being blocked. You can also just choose to unblock a particular news outlet.