Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-29-2020 the thought of your credit card balance at this time of year?


I sometimes do so I take a deep breath and look at the balance every day or two. Once in a while I'll shriek when I find out how much I've run it up but usually not. I budget a certain amount every month for Christmas--kind of the way banks--years ago--would have special accounts for (mostly) little kids to spend at Christmas. 

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Re: do you get frightened...

I don't worry about my card - I put back money each week for Christmas.  I have a certain amount I (we) spend on each person.  When it gone its gone.  I did spend $13.00 more on one grandchild than budgeted...but I rarely overspend.


I do check my card every other day - just to be sure nothing odd has been charged.

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Re: do you get frightened...

Nope because if I can't pay for it immediately (I charge it to get cash back) I don't buy it.

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Re: do you get frightened...

I really don't use a CC too often.  If I buy anything on line I mostly use PayPal to pay for it.  I have the money taken from my checking account.


I only buy gifts for my friend who is in a senior home.  The rest of my family gets cash.  I save  the money all year and when Christmas comes, I am ready.


I have asked my family if they would prefer gifts, gift cards or cash and all said cash.  It makes it easy for me and I don't have to rack my brains out trying to get something for those who already have everything they want already.

My cash is exchanges , no regifting or tossing out unwanted stuff and little anxiety for me.


The youngest Is 14, so I have no real little ones.  My DH and I don't exchange gifts for Christmas.

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Re: do you get frightened...

No, my budget allows for only what I can afford.  Always keep some aside for my emergency fund each month.

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Re: do you get frightened...

No, I finish gift shopping on a budget in Oct & pay my CC bill off every month. I have a huge property tax bill due in December so that's my only to me from me gift...Merry Christmas to me, ugh.

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Re: do you get frightened...

@kitcat51 For us also, I share your "ugh".

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Re: do you get frightened...

I put back $100 a month and sometimes a little more for Christmas. I put everything on my CC to get my rewards cash. I pay Statement balance. 

I finished Christmas shopping Nov 30th and my statement closes on the 14th. So everything I've charged from 15th on will be due Feb 9th. 

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Re: do you get frightened...

Yes!  I buy gifts and also buy for me.  I always pay my cc bill in it's entirety every month because I will be in bigger trouble if I don't.  I know I can look online but do not want to peek at it until I get the bill in the mail.



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Re: do you get frightened...



I've never had a long gift list, but when I worked, I always knew that my Christmas bonus and the one or two monetary gifts would pay off the Christmas credit card.  Kind of like even exchange.


Now, I just budget throughout the year for it.