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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

@northiie57  Have you tried using a different device?


I'm not tech savvy but I find using a computer can be a problem and using my phone is not, and vice versa.

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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

@northiie57 Isn't automated ordering not an option for you?  Or do you only want to order on your computer.  If that's the situation, I think you should just move on.

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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

If one feels QVC is that inept, it surprises me one would want to stay on the forums.  

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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

[ Edited ]

Hi  @northiie57  Woman Happy


Congrats!  You lasted a lot longer than I did.


After I'd been *heavily* purchasing QVC items, lotsa expensive items, like Sleep Comfort Beds, for many, many yrs on QVC, even as far back as before they went online!


Heck, QVC was my forever Backgrd noise!


The last straw, (not the only straw), was when QVC's Bantam Bagels A/D was Back Ordered, then, suddenly arrived, without any QVC notice, I rec'd FOUR full orders of Bantam Bagels.  (And BTW,  also, this onslaught of all four had expired!)  Yet, QVC wldnt credit me for all 4, & deal with THEIR own vendor. 

Then the fight with my Bank/QVC because it was QVC auto charge. 


Pile, on pile, on pile of unsolved QVC problems.




(-- added --)


YET, I dont forget for a minute, I've assembled a massive amt of QVC sold items thru these many, many yrs, during the best long times of my life!


And ZERO returns.  Yup, you heard, er, read it.  All those/these many yrs, I have had ZERO returns to QVC! 

   As far as I'm concerned, that is remarkable for a vendor to sell items that a customer has had ZERO returns, while having purchased a plethora of their (QVC) items.   

     Even if there was an occasional *burp* of a QVC item, I didnt return it.   The *burp* was minimal, & I kept it,  & made use of it.  No big deal.


But then, ordering, receiving, gradually became nightmarish, so I stopped.  (Hoping to return, if QVC gets their act together, finally.   I think this could happen.  Heck, QVC managed it once before!).


"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

[ Edited ]


 I had a terrible time trying to order this morning. I switched devices, left home and came back, and still struggled. So, no, it is not you. I finally got one order to go through-- only when I did not use a rebate site-- and gave up when I ran into a similar problem later on.   I am sorry you had a problem. I also am sorry that a few folks here gave you a hard time. 

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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

I have had the same issue from time to time trying to order on my tablet.  I don't order as much as I  use to so sometimes I will try back later or forget about ordering.

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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

Ordering by phone is so much easier (for me and hubby, anyway).


That way, we jot down rep's first name, time we ordered, etc.


Nice folks working at the Q.



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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me



If it's not happening to everyone here, then it's a problem unique to your browser or computer.


It'll be interesting to see how many others here are having this problem today.


Try a different browser.  

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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

there are many times i WISH i had a problem ordering. LOL

most of the time IF i have an issue, i wait a few hours, i switch browsers, or i switch my clearing cookies and a reboot almost always does the trick.

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Re: been a good ride QVC no more ordering for me

I had a problem ordering a bathing suit last week.  I thought I was doing something wrong.  I cleared my history and restarted my IPad, no luck.  I signed out and back in again, still no luck.   Came back hours later and it worked.  I have not placed a phone order in 15 years!   I believe it is QVC.☹️.  I placed orders online almost daily between different stores.