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anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

Dh and I are going to Acadia main for our 25th wedding anniversary and spending the day in Salem since its on our way. I have always wanted to go and wonder if anyone else has and any suggestions of things not to miss. I wish I was going in October but we are driving past it in July so that's my chance! I did look up things to do in Salem but I was hoping to hear from people who have been there.
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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

I'd love to be of help to you, but it's been years since I was in Salem. I can tell you that it's worth seeing. I hope you'll have a wonderful time! Walk around the town, and just take it all in, (including the House of Seven Gables) but try to stay away from the tourist trap stuff.

Have fun!

IMO, the foreboding statue of Salem's founder definitely sets the tone.

At the time of my visit, there was a reenactment play that ran at intervals, and it was enjoyable and very informative. Here's a blurb from their website:

"The year is 1692. Bridget Bishop has been accused of witchcraft and the audience sits on the Puritan jury.

They hear the historical testimonies, cross-examine the witnesses and decide the verdict.

The actors respond in character to all comments and questions, revealing much about the Puritan mind. Play your part in history…"

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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

I finally went there several years ago, though I've been interested in going for a long time. Unfortunately we did not get to stay long, but it's very clean and a pretty town right on the water.

We toured The House Of The Seven Gables which is sort of boring IMO, but you may want to do that. My husband adores touring older homes like that. However I can't say that I'm a huge fan of it. So that would depend on you. I've just been on so many home tours and the guides usually talk forever!

We also saw a reenactment of the witch trials and toured some of the places where they held trial and the so called witches were jailed. I believe this was in a place called the Salem Witch Museum? They have another huge museum but we didn't have time to see it. There is definitely a lot to see there. They also have a lot of shops run by people that claim they are witches and fortune tellers. These are along side the regular shops. They never hassled us or anything though.

I think October would be a great time to go. I'm sure they'd have some Fall or Halloween festivals at that time and the weather would probably be gorgeous. That's when I wanted to go too but was there in the summer as well. Enjoy and please post back let us know how you liked it!

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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

We went a few years ago...everything is spread out..and close early so plan ahead!

I wasn't impressed but it was one of those things..been there done

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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

House of the Seven Gables is my favorite. There's a witches museum that was good too. If you stop by the Chamber they'll give you information on all that is there.

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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

Back in the early 90s... memory fails.

I do remember the ""House.""

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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

My daughter went to college in Boston and they went to the witch festival in Salem.

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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

Sabatina-Thanks so much for your reply! I do plan on walking around the town all day and soaking in as much as I can in one day. I will enjoy going into all the shops but I have read on line to be careful because its all pretty pricey and it isnt anything different than any other tourist shops. The only thing I really want is a Salem t-shirt or sweatshirt. If its cute enough I will get it.

That statue is a little foboding! I also heard that theres a statue of Samantha from bewitched there too. Im getting pretty excited!

Colliemom3-Hubby and I do like older homes and we both love history so this should hopefully be a win-win for us It does sound like theres alot to see so we will just have to squeeze in as much as we can and then if we end up really liking it we will just have to go back-but in October! And we were originally planning to drive to Main in October for their fall festival and to see all the leaves changing color. I hear it is absolutely beautiful. But we ended up having to go in July. I will definately post back on how we liked it for sure!

CouponQueen-Thanks for the heads up on everything closing early. That never occured to me for some reason. When dh was in the marine corp we lived in California and our town seemed to close everything up early. That shocked me because we are from a smaller town that didnt close everything early so that just surprised me.

Justbee-I will definately be checking out the 7 gables. And the old cemetaries too.

Bonniebelle-The witch festival sounds awesome! I wish it was going on while we are there but that sounds like an October festival!

Thanks everyone for replying. I will let everyone know what we thought of it!

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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

We did the "bus tour" not sure of the name, but it gave us a good view of the area there is an official visitors center not to far from the main part of town.

I was there October 2012

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Re: anyone been to Salem massachusetts?

Several years ago we took a trip to Salem; specifically wanted to see the "witch house". We drove around and around looking for a place to park, but by the time we finally did, the museum closed at five and since we only had ten minutes till then, we decided not to go!! Never did go back! lol!