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Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

So this thing with Kahbib and McGregor tosses my mind in a whirlwind.  My brother loves this stuff and most males I know do.  But I'm like straight up appalled by what is basically to me a human putbull fight.  How is this even legal?  There in a cage even!  While I've always abhorred boxing this is like boxing times a trillion.  

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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

I am grateful that my husband is not interested in this activity.  I find it barbaric.

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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

While I'm not a fan, at least these guys choose to do it.


Poor pit bulls get bullied into it.  


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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

Or even see women involved in it.  Just gross!

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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

Doesn't interest me at all, but since the participants are adults and it's their choice, it's up to them. 

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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

I had no idea what MMA meant so opened the thread.  Glad DH is not interested.


*two thumbs down*

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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

@Kachina624 wrote:

Or even see women involved in it.  Just gross!

OMGosh, right.  I'd get my azz kicked so thoroughly.  Seriously tho, it's just way out of the box.  Like someone else said, barbaric.  Like we're back in Roman times.  

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

Dont care for that, WWE, or bull fighting.

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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

i am not interested in it at all, but i do love the NFL.


i have male and female friends that love the UFC and make big party events around these fights, enjoy friendly "trash talking" to each other, and look forward to the stuff that happens outside of the ring.

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Re: Your thoughts on MMA fighting....

There was a guy in my family who tried it.  He went to a competition in Ohio and the other guy wiped the floor with him.  Thank goodness it was over quickly and there were no permanent injuries.  First time I saw him after the event I just shook my head and didn't say a word, probably because my face said it all. 

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