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You know you're old when . . .

all the morning talk shows have their "summer concert series" and you very seldom know who any of these singers are  (where are The Beach Boys???).

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Re: You know you're old when . . .

Or in the grocery line and you pick up a People magazine and don't have a clue who any of those people are!



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Re: You know you're old when . . .

My favorite summer concert series 38 years ago! The Letterman!! Be still my ❤....actually went twice see them. Best!!! Experience!!🙋
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Re: You know you're old when . . .

[ Edited ]

My niece sent out a FB post to the family..."If you were born in the 90's you'll know these old school R&B songs..."


The 90's = old school???!!! Smiley Surprised

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Re: You know you're old when . . .

OMG you are so right.

@softwareI was getting a pedicure yesterday and looking at US magazine and was like "Who Are These People"

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Re: You know you're old when . . .

When you watch a music awards show, and, you don't know who some of them are!

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Re: You know you're old when . . .

I knew I was old when a clerk at the grocery store asking for my phone number and I mentioned back in the day of not needing to use your area code with your phone number.  She said, "What"?  You actually did not need the area code at one time to make a call?  I said yes and we also had a time frame where buttons were not used to DIAL a telephone number.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: You know you're old when . . .

@meallen616 The last award show we tried to watch my DH turned over because I kept saying "Who"?


I am very "Old School" when it comes to music, my all time favorite is The Osmond Family, and throw in a little Shania Twain and I am a happy camper!

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Re: You know you're old when . . .

When all your childhood pictures are black and white.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: You know you're old when . . .

When they say store information on the cloud and your mind thinks of real clouds.Smiley Very Happy