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You are so hard to buy for.................

Don't you just love it. As you are opening your gift and the giver says......You are so hard to buy for!


I often think that the giver(family) doesn't have any imagination or maybe doesn't know me or my life very well. 


The gift and the thought is appreciated even if it is prefaced by the remark. Maybe it is an apology for the gift or insecurity of making a gift selection?

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Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

And that is the very reason in my family, we don't give gifts anymore--just cold hard cash or things you can expierence, like plays or concerts , stuff like that----none of us NEED  anything anymore-----

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Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

@granddi wrote:

Don't you just love it. As you are opening your gift and the giver says......You are so hard to buy for!


I often think that the giver(family) doesn't have any imagination or maybe doesn't know me or my life very well. 


The gift and the thought is appreciated even if it is prefaced by the remark. Maybe it is an apology for the gift or insecurity of making a gift selection?

@granddi Honestly?  That and your assessment of the person sounds to me it is someone you don't like and/or don't get along with.  Sounds like somebody doesn't like somebody--possibly going both ways.


ARE you hard to buy for?  I am.  And I will admit it. 

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Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

As we get older we are all hard to buy for.We don't need stuff and don't want clutter.I feel bad if I waste a persons money when I don't need the gift.I am happy with a hug for Christmas and a visit is the topping off that makes a day special for me.

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Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

Everything WhatNow said goes for me. I am hard to buy for. Don't need anyone selecting artwork or cutsie saying for my walls. I select my own style for clothes, etc. Gift cards, movie cards and scarves are perfect for me. Or a hug! 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

That means one of two things.  It means "I didn't want to spend any money on you" so here's a cheap present that you won't like.  Or it means "I didn't want to put time or thought into a gift for you, maybe you'll like this, maybe you won't".   The thing with gifts is that if you know someone well enough to give them a gift, you can figure out what they will like.  You just have to put some thought into it.    

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Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

People that already seem to have everything are hard to buy for. 


The bottom line is that Christmas seems to be the time where we feel obligated to get our loved ones something, so we exchange gift cards or cash, buy candles or ornaments.


We spend a lot of time trying to think of something someone would like and finally make a decision and hold our breath that it was the right one. It is so much easier to buy for someone who is in need.


We stopped exchanging gifts for this reason.  I only buy for my grands and two ladies I take care of who are truly in need.  It's so much easier this way.

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Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

I'm sorry, but that is a lame excuse for putting zero thought into the gift. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

If there is something I need or want I will go and buy it for myself.


When someone asks what I want and I say nothing, I truly mean it.  Then they will say, oh I have to buy you something.  No, no you don't and when they do, that's when you hear you're so hard to buy for.


Posts: 28
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: You are so hard to buy for.................

"You are so hard to buy for"


That would be me.