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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

@Kachina624 wrote:

Good heavens!  Demi is happy so why should anyone else be concerned?  It's not a mark of shame, you know.  I have a whole head of silver hairs and am proud of them.  I earned every one.  Yes, I see male Hollywood types all the time with graying hair.  So what?


So what to the people who wrote the article and took the picture.   They are the ones you should be questioning.

I merely brought it up because I thought it was inappropriate for them to even do this article, yet alone zoom in on her gray hair.


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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man


It's a slow, repetitive news cycle we're in now. Imagine!! Grabbing a little of the spotlight at a time like this. If she's going grey, she doesn't care, her x  husband went bald. No big deal in realm of things.

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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

[ Edited ]

Actually, I have a totally different take of the original article posted in and by the OP.


I think it is pro-Demi and pro-gray.


They are not calling her out as old.


It appears to me the connotation is gray is great, Demi is just going natural, nothing wrong with it at all.


To each their own, but I think the OP is reading too much into it, almost like going gray is something to be "ashamed" of.



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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

I am sick of all the reporting of every little thing celebrities do.  I don't care what any of them do on any day.

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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

[ Edited ]

I am usually the first one on the "sexism" bandwagon, but not in this case.  The only reason it is news is because women are traditionally more vain than men and, therefore, do much more than men to improve their looks....with clothes, with makeup, with jewelry, with hair color.  I would bet if they didn't....they wouldn't be noticed the way they are.


It is also news because Demi Moore has always had noticeably long and beautiful brown hair, so if someone decides to make mention of her more "laid back look" by pointing out the gray streaks, I don't see it as a big deal.  In fact, in the same article, mention is made of how great she looks.  I disagree with your outrage in this case.

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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

I think silver gray hair is just so very pretty, and if we all had a body like demi's,we would be so lucky.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

@occasionalrain wrote:

Why should they? Men and women are not the same. Men in general don't trade on their sxuality, they don't wear four inch heels or clothing so short it barely covers what should be private, or fake eyelashes, hair extensions, breast implants... So, a man's hair, lack of it or the color of it, is a non-issue, of interest to no one.

I have to do those things , too. Take, for example, Prince. He was the exception though. But point well-taken.

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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

@KALLIE wrote:

It's NO BIG DEAL. Her hands and her forehead look a lot worse.


Any one else see and appreciate the irony in this statement?

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

I didn't know it ws Demi. I think she looks fine in the picture. 

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Re: You Would Never See Them Doing This With a Man

I think  the point is that, while the article was complimentary to Demi, you rarely see articles about men letting their gray flag  fly.  The need to write an article at all pointing out how great Demi looks with natural gray hair shows the double standard.  I think she looks fine  and way better than me,lol.  As far as her hands and forehead looking worse? Well once we reach a certain age, out hands do lose some fat and veins show more. Nobody likes it,but at least we still have our hands.  I'm a pretty sarcastic and often very critical person. But aging is unavoidable and I try to be gentle about it when talking about others....especially women. We get a hard way to go about looking young.  I do ,however, feel just fine commenting about overdone,ridiculous plastic surgery,etc. If that makes me a hypocrite I am okay with that.