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Registered: ‎08-19-2010
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Posts: 36,548
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

Monday, Dec. 15, 2014
- Jill issues a warning to Billy about Chelsea.
- Cane has a business proposition for Victor -- that Victor come to Joe's cocktail party with Joe's developers team.
- Jill tells Victor he may on the wrong side of history regarding the development.
- Adam has a conversation with Victor in the elevator.
- Sage has a conversation with Nick at the Underground.
- Adam runs into Chelsea and Connor in the park.

Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014
- Michael is concerned about his future with Lauren.
- Joe talks to Avery about her engagement.
- Phyllis makes a discovery.
- Kelly says to Jack: "All that year of sleep did for Phyllis was give her an excuse to be an even bigger b i t c h than she was before."
- Dylan encourages Sharon to get her Jabot job back.

Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014
- Sage's loyalty is questioned.
- Christine is the recipient of life-altering news.
- Neil makes a huge decision.
- Neil confesses to Cane.

Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014
- Stitch is surprised by Billy.
- Victoria and Chelsea try to mend fences.

Friday, Dec. 19, 2014
- The world of Nick and Sharon ... is rocked.
- Nick and Paul try to get Faith into the spirit of Christmas.
- Mariah decides to open up to Sharon.
- Fen makes a discovery about Michael.


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Posts: 36,548
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

Mon. spoiler

Victor gets on the elevator with Adam but doesn't recognize him. Adam initiates a conversation and Victor wonders if they've met but Adam talks his way out of it. Sage walks into the Underground and Nick realizes she's the woman who saved him. He introduces himself and thanks her -he mentions he was at the mansion and talked to Constance but she didn't know Sage - Sage talks her way out of it and says she gets confused - he also asks about the man but Sage manages to skirt the issue and Avery interrupts them and she leaves without giving Nick her name.

Jill and Billy arrive at Victoria's - Ben is there - Jill wants to meet her granddaughter and they take pictures and Jill rubs it in that Billy is Katie's Daddy.

Paul and Chris run into Dylan and Avery at the coffee house and both couples shares their good news - Dylan and Avery are engaged and Chris and Paul are expecting - everyone is happy.

Adam is at the park and sees Chelsea and Connor and can't help but stare at them. Chelsea looks over an says she knows him.

Victoria gets rid of Billy and Jill and kisses Ben and then says she wants to talk. Ben tells Vicky he knows Victor wants the details of the project he's working on at Jabot with Ashley and he can't give her any details. Vicky says that won't present a problem - she wants to get back to the romantic date they were talking about previously. Vicky asks him out on New Year's Eve.

Avery drops in to talk to Nick about the custody battle, and he notices her engagement ring, and is very happy for her and his brother. Avery and Dylan deserve to be happy - they have proved they belong together and they shouldn't let anyone come between them. Avery thanks Nick and hugs him just as Joe walks in.

Dylan and Paul and Chris are toasting their happiness but Chris says she hasn't confirmed the pregnancy with a Doctor yet. They all have a lot to celebrate at Xmas - Chris looks very uncomfortable that Paul has made the announcement. Jill pushes Billy to do something with Victoria - Billy says they are divorced and there's no future for them. Billy says he's with Chelsea now. At the park Chelsea tells Adam she recognizes him from somewhere. He says she's right - they have seen each other before. Adam says they go way back to the other day at the Athletic Club - she was there and she caught his eye. He comments that Connor is very handsome. Billy arrives and kisses her - Adam gives them a dirty look as Billy picks up Connor. Adam has disappeared - Chelsea wonders where he went.

Cane invites Victor to a cocktail party for the new development - they'd like his endorsement. Will he come to the party? Victor says he has some interest in the redevelopment and will think about it. Jill walks in and overheard - if he's not careful he'll be on the wrong side of history. Victor says he doesn't plan to be. Lily says Joe left but it looks like he has recruited Cane.

Nick tells Joe he's interrupting Attorney/Client meeting. He invites Nick to come to the meeting - his father will be there. Nick laughs - he rarely shares his father's interests - he can take his invitation and ...... beat it. Dylan walks in at that moment - just the guy he was hoping to see.

Paul is talking to a moping Chris about how badly he screwed up. She wished he hadn't said anything - they agreed to wait but Paul says it was his son and he got carried away - he was so happy. Chris is worried - what if? Paul hugs her and apologizes - if its a false positive the good news is they can keep on trying. She accepts that and they kiss.

Nick wishes Dylan the best - Joe is missing that Dylan and Avery are engaged. He wishes them the best -he wants her to be happy. Victor's food is ready at the club and he tells Jill he always thought she was a savvy businesswoman. Jill says she's interested in the people in the buildings in town and she doesn't want them torn down. Victor asks when she became a sentimentalist -she says since Katherine died. Its the people that matter - how would he feel if they torn down Katherine's plaque at the park -he says no one will ever do that. Victor says they should talk to Cane who has more than a passing interest in the project. Victor says goodbye with a big smile and leaves.

Ben sang a lullaby to Vicky - she thinks it was very sweet and she thanks him for taking pictures of the baby with Jill ad Billy and Victoria. Vicky wants to take a selfie of the two of them and she does and they kiss again . Connor is squirming so Chelsea takes him - they went to visit Santa. Billy says he took Jill to meet her new grandchild. Ben was there too. Billy was okay with that. Adam watches as they leave the park.


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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

Honored Contributor
Posts: 36,548
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

Hey Ms. Fox,

Who died over on B&B? I saw the previews on TV I never watched that show, then, my sister asked me the same ? and I said I don't know , but, I know a girl that watches it I'll ask her.

Thanks !


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Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

Sharke if you mean the storyline it was Hope's baby. She fell and had a miscarriage....

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

Oh, I thought it might be one of those older actors that's been on there for a long time. Have no idea who Hope is LOL just saw on the previews everybody crying their heart out over somebody. Thanks !

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Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

On 12/14/2014 Sharke said:

Hey Ms. Fox,

Who died over on B&B? I saw the previews on TV I never watched that show, then, my sister asked me the same ? and I said I don't know , but, I know a girl that watches it I'll ask her.

Thanks !


Lunch timeeee! Yeah, as loveschocolate said, Hope, one of the main characters had a miscarriage which was kind of exciting because everyone knew it would happen cause she's leaving the show.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Posts: 36,548
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

That explains that. We get up and drive to a town 50 miles away to go to a place that was advertised on TV being a retro antique type place. I checked them online, etc. So, we hook up the GPS and set sail and the **** place is closed ! We go "what"? Go next door to a furniture shop she calls the owner and he says he's in New Mexico will be back tues. Well, thanks,mister ! We made the best of it messed around some other places. Rick was spitting mad. Did find gas, though for 2.00 a gallon. LOL only happen to Susy. sheesh.............

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Posts: 15,279
Registered: ‎05-11-2012

Re: **Y&R DEC. 15th- Dec. 19th**

On 12/15/2014 Sharke said:

That explains that. We get up and drive to a town 50 miles away to go to a place that was advertised on TV being a retro antique type place. I checked them online, etc. So, we hook up the GPS and set sail and the **** place is closed ! We go "what"? Go next door to a furniture shop she calls the owner and he says he's in New Mexico will be back tues. Well, thanks,mister ! We made the best of it messed around some other places. Rick was spitting mad. Did find gas, though for 2.00 a gallon. LOL only happen to Susy. sheesh.............

Now that just isn't right....I know when I was in CoCoa Beach for my sister's funeral, I wanted to go to a shell shop the morning we were to fly out. My nieces told me to go the night before because the owners of these types of shops just open and close when they feel like it. I know when I used to go antiquing with my parents we would run into the same problem. At least your gas is cheap. It's $2.24 here right now!! Good times!