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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

@Susan Louise wrote:

@ROMARY wrote:

I've noticed that some youngsters sure do a lot of screaming now-a-days.  Then, I've seen/heard teens let out a big scream as soon as they get out of their car(s).  Must be some sort of fad?   Or an overt imitation of our present society.

@ROMARY  I just call it poor quality and lazy parenting for the kids. In the end, the lack of social responsibility will hit the parents when the kids get older and become they will all pay for it in some way later in life. 

It is not normal to have kids scream at each other on a near daily basis.

@Susan Louise wrote:

@ROMARY wrote:

I've noticed that some youngsters sure do a lot of screaming now-a-days.  Then, I've seen/heard teens let out a big scream as soon as they get out of their car(s).  Must be some sort of fad?   Or an overt imitation of our present society.

@ROMARY  I just call it poor quality and lazy parenting for the kids. In the end, the lack of social responsibility will hit the parents when the kids get older and become they will all pay for it in some way later in life. 

It is not normal to have kids scream at each other on a near daily basis.

I work in a nursing home and the yelling that goes on up and down the halls between staff is awful.

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?


I hear you OP .... would love to build a house where my closest neighbor was 10 mi. away .... but with a shopping mall within shouting distance!

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

O/T @HappyDaze, but I love your avatar!  I just realized it's animated when you click on it.  Cute!

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

So sorry for all who have troublesome neighbors.  I know because we have the.  All here illegally and they don't know how to live in a house or function in a neighborhoo.  When will people learn that this won't stop until something IS done !  Brings the value of your home and area down.  It's like stealing money from you.  Most all are untidy, loud, obnoxious, and nosey. 

Oy again.

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

Oh my goodness, my heart breaks, my eyes cry, my ears hurt, my blood pressure is up just reading your post, makes me cringe.


DH & I certainly didn't plan it but we now find ourselves living in the midst of college kids all around us.  Our neighborhood didn't start this way but as the old folks die out, the 40-50 yr somethings think it's a great way to cash in, buy up these homes and become slum lords to the college somethings. 


They don't ride their bikes in our driveway, instead think it's perfectly okay to park their lexus and beemers in our drive blocking our garage doors.  They weren't taught what a garbage can is as they think our front yard is where the trash goes - this trash OFTEN is very cheap beer cans and LOTS of them. Last weekend while sitting on my couch I watched one of the girls next door (or else a female friend) who decided instead of using one of at least 2 bathrooms chose to hang her head over the backyard railing a puke last night's cheap beer.  Lovely scene while I was trying to eat my brunch.


Yes I truly sympathize and oh so many times threatened to my husband to move.  Well of course he wants no part of that.  We love our home, our yard.  Like you we were not brought up to be like kids of any age these days to act up like the kids do now regardless of age.


The girl next door should be darn glad I didn't see her on Monday because I would have definitely said someting to her.  What a down right disgusting thing she did - not once but twice that I happened to see.


And yeah, little kids screaming at the top of their lungs?  No I'm sorry to say they carry this act into their drunken immature adult life too.  Screaming little *itches at 2-3-4 in the morning is what we listen to any given football Saturday shreaking at the top of the lungs sounding like they're being murdered or something.  Oh, and don't forget the music needing to be blaring because they've all gone deaf due to the decibels.


I don't know what the answer is. I do know it's very sad that we have to resort to moving however.    

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

OMG!!! What a horrible person he was. I am so glad that you got your pet back.

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

I can't believe that so many people don't care about cleaning up their property, keeping their kids and their toys off of neighbors' property, letting their pets go "poopdedoo" in others' yards, toning down the noise during the wee hours of the morning,  and mowing their lawns, etc., etc.  pondering-and-thinking-smiley-emoticon.gif


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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

Susan Louise ~ So interesting about the hummingbirds!  I noticed tons of them at our feeder just a couple days ago then yesterday & today not so many.  The leaves are beginning to fall here so I guess along with that comes the departure of the hummingbirds....


So nice to touch base with you again!  I will definitely read the other post you mentioned!  :-) 

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

@Julie928 wrote:

Susan Louise ~ So interesting about the hummingbirds!  I noticed tons of them at our feeder just a couple days ago then yesterday & today not so many.  The leaves are beginning to fall here so I guess along with that comes the departure of the hummingbirds....


So nice to touch base with you again!  I will definitely read the other post you mentioned!  :-) 

@Julie928  Thanks for replying! Well, I think the reason why you don't recognize the hummers migrating as we do here is because you have them during the breeding season...from Spring through the Fall.


Since we only see them...very few in the Spring (mid/late May-1st week of June...and again, we're lucky to see 6-10...rare Springs about a dozen).


Then we don't see them til Fall migration. We know the migration has begun when we see our 1st hummer. Our earliest was on July 24th a couple of years ago.


Thanks for reading the Monarch thread. It looks like our peak day will be tomorrow or Saturday...

Talk with you in the hummer forum soon! Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎09-09-2010

Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

[ Edited ]

@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

Oh my goodness, my heart breaks, my eyes cry, my ears hurt, my blood pressure is up just reading your post, makes me cringe.


DH & I certainly didn't plan it but we now find ourselves living in the midst of college kids all around us.  Our neighborhood didn't start this way but as the old folks die out, the 40-50 yr somethings think it's a great way to cash in, buy up these homes and become slum lords to the college somethings. 


They don't ride their bikes in our driveway, instead think it's perfectly okay to park their lexus and beemers in our drive blocking our garage doors.  They weren't taught what a garbage can is as they think our front yard is where the trash goes - this trash OFTEN is very cheap beer cans and LOTS of them. Last weekend while sitting on my couch I watched one of the girls next door (or else a female friend) who decided instead of using one of at least 2 bathrooms chose to hang her head over the backyard railing a puke last night's cheap beer.  Lovely scene while I was trying to eat my brunch.


Yes I truly sympathize and oh so many times threatened to my husband to move.  Well of course he wants no part of that.  We love our home, our yard.  Like you we were not brought up to be like kids of any age these days to act up like the kids do now regardless of age.


The girl next door should be darn glad I didn't see her on Monday because I would have definitely said someting to her.  What a down right disgusting thing she did - not once but twice that I happened to see.


And yeah, little kids screaming at the top of their lungs?  No I'm sorry to say they carry this act into their drunken immature adult life too.  Screaming little *itches at 2-3-4 in the morning is what we listen to any given football Saturday shreaking at the top of the lungs sounding like they're being murdered or something.  Oh, and don't forget the music needing to be blaring because they've all gone deaf due to the decibels.


I don't know what the answer is. I do know it's very sad that we have to resort to moving however.    


My brother had this problem, too. The parents lived around the corner, but decided to buy the next door to my brother, so they could get their own hooligans out of their house and let them live on their own. Some were not even out of high school, yet, and said they were all college freshmen. Many of the neighbors kept calling police about the out-of-hand parties, parking, etc. The dad would come around and tell everyone to call him instead, he'll handle it. Never did come by when called. 

My brother sold his house, it was pointless to stay there.