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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

i’m happy for her, but i could never. it would make me infinitely happier to spend it on people who are in need. 

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

@toja wrote:

Would I spend 600 dollars on a meal from my bucket list? Yes, of course I would!


But not this particular meal. I'm a foodie, I love food,and I'm an adventurous eater but the presentation is a big part of meal's attraction... nothing looks appealing here Smiley Happy 

Starting with the first course - spinach, kale and caviar, they managed to make it look so overdone and overcooked, No brightness, no texture,yuk!

@toja It was kelp, not kale, which explains the color and texture Smiley Wink  The spinach is vibrantly green and does not appear overcooked.  Mostly I think her pics aren't great though.


I think the only course I'd have a preconceived idea of not liking is the uni dish.  I am not a fan.  But she described the texture as "creamy," so maybe it was better than what I've had!

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

I would never spend 600 on a meal, I don't care what it is,where it is or who cooked it. I think this gal just wanted to say she ate at the most expensive restaurant and discuss the unusual cuisine.

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

I'd rather have $600 worth of FOOD vs. $600 worth of presentation.


So, no...

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

Some people enjoy traveling, some people enjoy shopping and others enjoy fine dining.   While not something I would enjoy, glad she had the experience.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

[ Edited ]

I've had meals in very expensive restaurants that have set menus, it's whatever the "Star Chef" has set for the night,  usually many coursed such as this one and the courses are usually small but in the end, one if full.


You know going in, about the price.

One restaurant was a-mazing the first time so we went back but was not so good the second time. It is now closed.


I would eat, and like, everything on that menu apart from the antelope meat. Don't think I could eat that. No, I know I could not.


My favorite would be the sea urchin. I LOVE it with a passion. When in season, like now, I eat a lot of sea urchin sushi (Uni), can't get enough of it.


It's not exotic but it is seasonal, it's popular and eaten like oysters in many countries, not just in Asia. 


The rest of the menu looks just OK to me, I would eat it and it probably tastes good, not tempted by ice cream at all though.



Posts: 55
Registered: ‎01-08-2017

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

@WenGirl42 you're right, the spinach is nice, bright green Smiley Happy It looks like my brain registered just the dulness of the rest of the dish Smiley Embarassed


Some of the courses sound good or wonderful, but the whole menu overall doesn't say WOW... to me, of course Smiley Happy

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?


not. one. bite.

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

[ Edited ]

I don't think my stomach would allow me to keep down some of those sea creatures. I wonder if they taste fishy.  For $600 they better taste like steak.  Wouldn't try the antelope either and am curious from what State it was brought in and how it was kept fresh.  

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

@fordtruck wrote:

I don't think my stomach would allow me to keep down some of those sea creatures. I wonder if they taste fishy.  For $600 they better taste like steak.  Wouldn't try the antelope either and am curious from what State it was brought in and how it was kept fresh.  



If there was lots of beef there (cooked, not raw), I might enjoy it. I don't like fish/seafood. Sea urchin (picture below)? No!!!!!