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Would you enjoy this meal?

[ Edited ]

I don't begrudge the cost. The girl spent her own money. It should be up to her, how she decides to use her own assets.


I am decidedly not a gourmet.  Nothing on the menu even tempts me. I don't think many men would be happy with the portion size.  There are 22 courses but they look tiny .It would be more than enough for me, if I liked the food, which I don't.


It's nice she was able to indulge her  dreams, of eating there.



Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-14-2015

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

Good for her!




Sure, I would do it. 




We should all do more to check things off of our bucket lists.




One year, for new year's eve, I bought a $300 bottle of Crystal champagne, just because I wanted to try it, and to check it off of my bucket list.



I did like the flavor of the champagne.




Would I buy it again?




No, only because I want to move on to other things.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,891
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

What! No wine? Actually, most of those plates look disgusting to me. I have dined in Michelin-starred restaurants in France, so I’ve had the great pleasure of enjoying a gourmet feast. This stuff, though, looks like bait. The Brits have a word, twee, that comes to mind when I look at that food.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2013

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

No I wouldn't enjoy it because I'm too picky but I imagine my daughter would love it. The only raw thing I'll eat is cookie dough. At least I know its dead.

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?



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Registered: ‎03-12-2017

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

NO👿. Except for the desserts, the food looked disgusting!


But, good for her for having a great experience!

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Registered: ‎08-25-2010

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

I might eat the pears, but the rest of that meal looked like someone threw up on the plate. 🤢 That being said, I hope she enjoyed her dining experience. 

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Posts: 19,189
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

Sure, I would try it.  Why not?


I am an adventurous eater.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 637
Registered: ‎03-14-2011

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

Loved the adventure.  I've been in expensive places where we each had our own waiter etc. but I knew the food was a real treat.  As adults it is sad sometimes we allow money to infuence our choices.  This was great, the food not so much.  Let's think for ourselves and we would be better for it.

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Registered: ‎07-29-2012

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

There was nothing on that menu that I would be interested in eating.  

I do like the idea of getting an early start on your bucket list as she is doing.

My bucket list included travel, not food.  I completed about 80% before illness interfered.