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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

Heck no.
Love the accent.
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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

Nope, never could have any respect for someone who thinks they are born to rule others “by divine right.”

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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

No .... and I wouldn't date a Saudi Arabian prince,  or  a Danish prince, or a Somali prince,  or a Spanish prince  either.   


Can you imagine having a relationship with any man who has never been told "no" and always gets his way?    


Think about that in a marriage.   Yikes.   


Always get their way?


I picture the Royal life, as one steeped in tradition and duty, and with many restrictions.  That may be loosening  quite a bit, but I highly doubt, that either William or Harry, always got their way! 

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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

Never!  I am my own person and would never stand for all the do's and don't's and wear jeans everywhere.  Also, I would curtsy to no one!!!  I like my privacy too much!  Even as a child I was never enamored with being a princess  and all that stuff!  Plus I could never live there - hate the accent and the ****** weather!

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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

No, it would never happen.   I’m not leaving West Virginia.   I don’t dress up, and I really don’t play well with others.   Can’t imagine I’d ever be anywhere a prince would even cross my path.   

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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

At my age my only hope would be Prince Phillip! I could take a little waiting on. I would not  have to do the dishes anymore and I wouldn’t have to mow the lawn. I would just have the maid adjust my taria and put my teeth in! LOL

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Re: Would you date a British Prince?


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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

If he were handsome, kind and made me laugh, heck yeah I would.



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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

Of course!!! 

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Re: Would you date a British Prince?

Why, is one looking for an overweight lady old enough to be his mother? If so, I'll consider!