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Would you sue your Vet if they said that your pets were safe regarding the treatments or shots they were being given and then they got very sick or developed sarcomas in the injection spot? My friend thinks that her Vet can do no wrong.

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I wouldn't sue but would have do some research and have a discussion with my vet and if not satisfied with his answers then I would find another vet. It took me 20 years or so to finally find a vet that I am completely happy with. Unless it was a clear case of neglect I would never sue. However, there is not enough info here to really come to any conclusions.

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What would I sue for and what would I hope to recover? If the vet was negligent I would complain to the licensing board. But go to court would IMO be a waste of time and money. The responsibility would be on my shoulders to prove the vet caused harm. And pets are considered property so recovery would be limited. If I won I would probably only get the cost of the treatments and court fees.

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What I meant to say if you had misgivings about a treatment or shots and the Vet told you there was no harm involved and your pet died or got very sick from it what would you do. My friend took her dog to the Vet Friday and she mentioned the danger about the 3 year rabies vaccine and by what she said I think that he just shrugged it off and said there was no danger my friend believes every word that he says.

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I'm not a sue-r
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Registered: ‎11-07-2013

I don't believe in suing at a drop of a hat either but that Vet's attitude regarding the vaccine shots hit me the wrong way just because he doesn't seem to have any problems giving them I'm glad that others do. My cat got his rabies shot Friday and I appreciate the fact that due to serious side effects in older cats that the Vet that I took him to don't give the 3 year vaccine to them my cat is 10 years old.

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Some areas have no choice in the 3 year rabies vaccine because it is required by the County. If someone is hesitant about reactions the vet can and will pretreat for an allergic reaction.

A friend had a puppy, her vet gave the initial puppy vaccines over the course of several weeks. He told her the pup was good to go for a year-then the boosters would be given. She questioned him about the Parvo vaccine, had the puppy received the required amount of shots. The vet said yes.

The vet was wrong. The pup hadn't received the last shot and as a result did get Parvo. Treatment was given by a different set of vets to the tune of $3000. The original vet refused to acknowledge his error, refused to at least pay part of the expenses. He was reported to the state but she didn't sue him.

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Our vet won't do the every-three-years rabies on cats. Also won't declaw. She has this thing about cats!

and/or.....she wants the $ EVERY year for the rabies shot.

Location, location, location. We kept her as the 'vet', but got the shot from another one!!!

Opinions are just that. OPINIONS, not necessarily based on anything but perception.

NO, I wouldn't sue a vet. They are "practicing" on their fur-patients just like DOCTORS are PRACTICING on US.

No exact science going on, anywhere.

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My vet would always titer my dog prior to giving shots. He said he titers his own animals and will not administer shots if their levels are high enough. He does NOT charge for tittering yet some people still do not have it done. Although my baby is gone now, I always had him titered and there were times he did not need a certain vaccine. I had a tremendous amount of respect for that doctor and one could readily see he truly loved animals and wanted the very best for them. When it was time to put my boy down, he held me and cried along with me. We knew it was the right thing to do as he had a brain tumor and nothing could be done for him. He will be gone 2 years in September and my hear still misses him. Sorry for rambling. docsgirl

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On 8/17/2014 clemintine said:

Our vet won't do the every-three-years rabies on cats. Also won't declaw. She has this thing about cats!

and/or.....she wants the $ EVERY year for the rabies shot.

Location, location, location. We kept her as the 'vet', but got the shot from another one!!!

Opinions are just that. OPINIONS, not necessarily based on anything but perception.

NO, I wouldn't sue a vet. They are "practicing" on their fur-patients just like DOCTORS are PRACTICING on US.

No exact science going on, anywhere.

There are statistics showing that the 3-year vaccine is more likely to cause sarcomas at the injection site because it has an additive that the 1-year vaccines don't have. It is recommended that if the 3-year is given, it be given in the leg rather than between the shoulders or other part of the body, so that if the cancer does develop, the leg could be removed...cats can do okay with 3 legs. My vet went to the 1-year vaccine several years ago, and I would rather pay to have it every year than to even take a chance on the alternative. MANY vets are going to the 1-year vaccine for this reason. It's not just an opinion, and it's probably not because of money on the part of most vets. I've been with my vets for 26 years (most the same vets have been there all that time) and I trust them implicitly. They get enough of my money for other things, I don't think they would endanger my cats in any way just for a few dollars more.

Also, most reputable vets think declawing is inhumane to the cats.