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Poodlepet my friend isn't well to do and she's not suing anyone I was just asking a simple question if you thought that your pet was harmed in any way by your Vet what would you do nothing more.Again I appreciate the Vets considering the pets age before they give them shots or any kind of treatment.

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Not unless I suspected malpractice or negligence. We had a Pom once who died from anesthesia. He was very tiny & his brain swelled.

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Registered: ‎03-05-2014

I would have to agree with Post #2, it would be difficult to successfully sue a vet unless it is a very clear case of negligence and you have good documentation of the neglect. I wouldn't want to sue unless I really thought my pet was killed by true incompetence.

My previous vets I always thought were giving me their best advice and I felt like we were partners in the care of my cats and my horse's vet is the best! I am finding a new vet for my cats since there have been changes in the current vet's office that I don't like, but I still think that they are kind and comptent, thank goodness.

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On 8/17/2014 biancardi said:
On 8/17/2014 clemintine said:

Our vet won't do the every-three-years rabies on cats. Also won't declaw. She has this thing about cats!

and/or.....she wants the $ EVERY year for the rabies shot.

Location, location, location. We kept her as the 'vet', but got the shot from another one!!!

Opinions are just that. OPINIONS, not necessarily based on anything but perception.

NO, I wouldn't sue a vet. They are "practicing" on their fur-patients just like DOCTORS are PRACTICING on US.

No exact science going on, anywhere.

that, to me, is a sign of a wonderful vet who cares about the animals. I wouldn't declaw my cats either.


My old vet, who is no longer in my area, wouldn't declaw a cat nor would he crop dogs' ears. He considered both to be inhumane.

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All vaccinations have risks.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 8/18/2014 faeriemoon said:

All vaccinations have risks.

Agreed, also usually one signs a consent for treatment for an animal.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Would You Sue Your Vet

No. We've known our vet long enough to know he would not do anything to hurt any of our animals. We have 100% trust in everything he does for and to our animals. If something happened to one of them because of an injection? My first thought would be a mistake or quality issue made by the manufacturer of the drug or whatever was injected.
