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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

@truffle wrote:

@qualitygal wrote:

John ol' boy,

I would say, think on this: and what if you need to be there for Cindy or one of your pets?

Don't tell me but remember your age. 

Your rib says, not for 3-4 mos. John, what's it take for wakey wakey? You could really hurt yourself!!


Can you find something else you like that won't require balance as much and ends up at the emergency ward, and doesn't mean broken body parts?


John, you are currently experiencing pain on an 8 to 10 scale and you can only take tylenol?  Time to hang up your skates friend.  



I was going to say the exact same thing.

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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

John, there is nobody here like you...aside from the fact that I don't think Hockey Players are quit like other humans (wink, smile), I think you know the answer.


You have a lifetime of resilience-and in spite of injuries and set backs, you keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny-on steroids!


I know how much skating means to you...but maybe it's time to hang up the skates.


You are vital and strong: I know you can find something to keep you engaged and challenge you physically and mentally.


I have an incredibly stupid question: I am not an ice skater, so I don't know much about it.  When we lived in the NE, they had double bladed skates for people who were learning...I have balance problems and I don't know they extent of yours, but ego aside, would that ever been an option???


Are you familiar with a Bapst Board? They are used by PT in training people with balance problems....speaking of which, why not get in PT and work on the balance issue?


Before we go there, is this just related to skating, or does it spill over to other areas?

Feel better,




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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

John you are the guy on this board with the most common sense advice for everyone else but yourself. 

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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

You offer a lot of sensible advice on these boards and you seriously want to continue your attempt to skate? Come on - there is a season for everything .  Pick a challenge that is age/ health appropriate.

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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

[ Edited ]

Hi John,


I think you probably knew what most of the responses would be here before you posted and maybe you were hoping for that kick in the butt to bring you to your senses (meant lightheartedly).


I can absolutely relate. I have been very athletic my entire life and, BTW, I also skated in my youth - entered local speed skating races. At a certain point, I had to give up a couple of things and, oh, how I sometimes wish I had the capability of that 30,40-year-old again so I could do the things I'm passionate about! So I do understand passion for a sport... and how sometimes our passion can cloud our good judgment.


Even if you didn't have significant medical issues, I'd think twice about re-discovering the ice at an older age. I think what happened to you back on the ice surprised you -- you probably thought it would come back easily, kind of like riding a bike. I think your rib fracture was a warning sign to you. A lot worse could happen. Do you really want to risk that? You have Cindy and your fur babies to consider... as well as your own quality of life should you incur a a more serious traumatic injury. Again... is it worth it?


All I will say is... if you insist on pursuing this, please check first with a sports medicine physician, in conjunction with your internist, to evaluate what you should/should not be doing and of course, it would behoove you to work on balance exercises in particular before attempting the ice again.


My feeling? I wouldn't do it.

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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

What does your Dr think?

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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

I am very surprised you are even asking this question, you tend to be very blunt with people, so here is my reply  if it hurts you, STOP!!

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

@hckynut I commend you for getting back in shape and pursuing your dreams. But if you get even more seriously hurt, then what? You have your wife and fur babies to think of too. Could a medication you take affect balance? I would suggest not skating at all until your rib heals. Then maybe have someone skate with you to help you keep your balance. Anyway keep doing your exercises to maintain your health. Great job on that! Sometimes as we get older we need to do different kinds of exercise. The body just can't do what it could when younger. Stay safe and good luck to you. Don't be discouraged.
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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

I think as many people age, especially those that have been athletic, they simply can't let go of the former 'glory' they felt in pushing their bodies. I see it with my 80 year old mother.


Many of them simply refuse to cut back or only do so until they think they can handle the pace again.


I don't understand it, but I'm guessing that is because I never was athletic.


What you are struggling with John, is much the same as others who need to give up driving, but fight it, or those that need to be on strict diets for health reasons later in life, but feel that life it too short, and they are going to have their ice cream (or candy or beer) everyday.


I think some people just have a hard time letting go, especially when they have to let go of several things they used to do (and easily). 


I guess the question you have to ask yourself is 'is it worth it'? Not just to you, but to those around you. If you compromise your heath and safety, does it hurt or put undue strain on others? Are you willing to undergo the pain and possible hospitalization, or even a more limited lifestyle because of the choices you make about skating (or any other endeavor that in reality is just too much for your body at this point in your life).


It really is an individual choice, I'd just consider those around you, and what kind of hardships it will be on them when things go awry.

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Re: Wondering if it is worth it for me?

I look at the yards and yards of Schirmer piano albums I have housed proudly in my bookcase. If I were to get back into piano shape, I would have to start from scratch -- Hanon, scales and Czerny -- and that would require much time and much, much effort!


If I no longer am proficient enough to play those concertos, etudes & sonatas, I am presently skilled & qualified to enjoy music as I once did in coaching and teaching others!


I am the last person to say give up. But I am saying that you can always turn your love of skating in a new direction.