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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

@candys mine wrote:

Might get the artificial tree together early and take my time putting on the "old faithfuls" and the tea light balls.  The rest is for the TG gathering night for all to decorate. (Then I do my favourite part putting on the icicles!)  as far as craftiness, I've started that "Paint with Diamonds" craft.  Couldn't get into the adult pattern colouring books as I had the same trouble with leaving that unfinisled as I do with leaving a jigsaw puzzle uncomplete.  With the PwD I can pour out a number of the little dots and feel a sense of completion once I've set those in place even though I've not finished the whole picture.

Advice for those who may want to really persue this activity would be to Get a pair of cheater reader glasses and a lightboard to backlight the canvas so the little numbers stand out has been very helpful for me.

Oh @candys mine  my friend is doing that too, and I checked it on line, awhile ago, and they are beautiful!!  Good luck on that.  

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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

For the last three years we have gone to our sons house and I haven’t decorated at all.He prefers that we travel at Christmas as we are retired and have more time.Now that he is Married and we have a new family in Oklahoma our traditions have changed.I love enjoying their traditions and family.I don’t like flying but I sure enjoy spending time with all of my new family and son and dil.

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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

I have so many Christmas decorations.  LOL


I did get rid of some things that were showing their age and no longer fit into my style of decorating.  I do 3 trees and garlands and wreaths and some big statement pieces. 


It works for me...

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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

Goodness I downsized back in the early 2000's when it became just myself. Table top fiber optic tree is all I have had for about 10 years now.  But just yesterday I purchased a 4" foot tree for my Grandchildren to look at when they spend time with me between now and Christmas.  I spend the night with them at their home on Christmas Eve I do not need a lot of decorations.  I am going to give the fiber optic to my granddaughter for her bedroom.  She has loved sleeping with going all night at my house the last couple of years so she will enjoy it in her room.  Only a few more gifts to buy and I will be done. 

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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

Nothing different from me. I decorate over several days with my Christmas music blasting.

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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

I have been scaling it back the last few years but I do decorate with multiple trees in different heights and color inside and out. My main color scheme is white with some gold. I have done away with the small lighted trees in the outside planters and do one large tree on the front porch and sometime the back yard. This year I'm eliminating the back yard tree and will probably use my blow mold light up figures.


Inside I will decorate the entry, kitchen and living room. The large tree is in the living room and a slimmer tree is in the family room. I just hae the tree in the family room because that's where we watch tv and dogs spend quite a bit of time sown there. I do put wreaths on the front doors and on the patio fence. 


I am a crafter so I'm always adding ribbons, picks, etc to the Bethlehem garland that I use in all the main windows. I no longer line the stairway,bedroom windows or famiy room. The house still looks nice and I'm not exhausted by the time I'm done.  



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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

My decorating style has greatly changed.  I used to be into all the ceramic tzotchkes and now things are more subdued.  There are very few ceramic items I put out and the ones I do greatly remind me of my childhood and Christmases with my parents.     

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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

I've gone to a more woodland, winter theme. I do have some Xmas,  but it is subdued.  I do pinecones, deer, evergreens and some other winterland items.


My tree is a slim, 6 footer in an urn. The cats have never bothered it.  I use a mish mash of ornaments. All have meaning for me. I usually buy an ornament as my souvenir of places I visit.

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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

[ Edited ]



I start my decorating early usually second week in November and I found spreading it out a bit helps because it got to be just too much.... Last year I cut back on some of my decorating but still do the important areas of my small home...Downsized Christmas tree and decor in the living room, dinning room,  and kitchen, outside just a wreath on the front door with Christmas mat and a lighted garland around the doorway.....It was still very Christmassy....And will probably do the same thing this year.....

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Re: Will you be doing your holiday decorating different this year?

I have always loved Christmas and Christmas decorating but I have never been one to overdo.  We did downsize our tree a couple years ago from a 7 foot to a 5 foot and that is the only change we have made.  

I do the tree and some table candles (Luminara) with the little wreaths around them and holiday flowers on my dining room table.  

My husband puts up outside lights in moderation and a lit wreath on our front door.   All goes up the Monday after Thanksgiving and stays up through New Years Day!Woman Wink