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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

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@Luv2Watch  I haven't watched a lot of movies that had a lasting impact on me. I do remember watching The Blair Witch Project, thinking it was "found footage." I was scared to go in our basement alone for a week!

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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

There have been movies that have moved me, touched me, uplifted me, inspired me, upset me, made me laugh.  I can't think of any particular movie right now!  Not sure why, but I'll post back if I do.  I mean it's the same thing with books - some have really resonated with me in different ways.  As far as having a big impact on my life?  Probably in ways that happen when you can feed your soul with joy, and creativity and see compassion on screen.  That kind of thing.  As far as "historical" "true story" movies, I'm sure this will be a controversial comment, but I would caution anyone from thinking they are learning accurate history or seeing an accurate story from watching a movie.  Most movie writers/makers will take an idea / some real story and change it to make it more interesting or just tell the story from a certain point of view, edit facts or alter them so it flows well, make a certain point, show a particular perspective.  Also, to be more marketable.   I'm sure there is probably something out there that tells a true full story, but that is not what usually happens.  A movie is not the real event.  It is based on a real event - which means they take liberties with the truth to tell the story they want to tell. Too bad they do that because movies do have real influence.

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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

I was going to say no, not any that have made an impact on my life.

But then I thought how could I say that?!

Yes, one movie I saw when young-Run Wild Run Free-1969 about a young boy with autism when not as much was known.I just knew that is what I wanted to do-

 work with autistic children and I did in schools for many years.


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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

Thanks to everyone for sharing! I agree with many of your movies favorites, and I am eager to watch the films mentioned that I haven't yet viewed. 


In my original post, I forgot to list a few other films. There are so many!


12 Angry Men which I have watched dozens of times. I wish every young teen in America would watch this classic. It taught me to avoid "group think" and stand up for what you believe is right and just even if you stand alone in your convictions.


Rocky I, Rocky II, and Rocky Balboa. In each of these stories, 'winning' was not the main goal. It was becoming the best you could be and being proud of your efforts - feeling like a 'champion' even if society doesn't deem you the winner and award you with a trophy or title. Rocky doesn't even care to hear the judges' decision in Rocky and Rocky Balboa. In the latter, I love how he thanks his opponent after the final round bell is rung, and walks out of the ring smiling with his team - he doesn't even wait around to hear the decision of the judges. He feels content in knowing he did his best and achieved what he came there to do. That is enough for him to feel good about himself.


A Place in the Sun - Such a classic! This film shows us that our choices have consequences. I love the scene where George Eastman is spending the weekend at Angela's family retreat at the lake, and the whole group of elites are enjoying a lavish dinner and George's uncle tells him he is going to get a promotion at work. He finally starts to believe that his life was on a path to happiness, wealth, and self-acceptance. The girl of his dreams loves him dearly, he is rising out of his poverty filled childhood, he is gaining self-esteem.... but then the phone rings and it's Alice calling for him. His life turns on a dime in that scene. Such regret. 


500 Days of Summer - Cutest last line in a movie! Adorable film that helps us cope with loss and self-doubt. Gives hope to those of us who have felt grief and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Meet John Doe - Great commentary on loving your neighbor and not being an island in society. I especially enjoy the live radio speech John reads on air as Barbara Stanwyck looks on with tears in her eyes. Also the scene in the mayor's office when the group of average citizens explain to John why they formed the first John Doe Club. They had prejudged their neighbors (the vagrant and the 'rich' standoffish elderly couple) and only through reaching out in a neighborly way did they discover that everyone has problems and with a bit of compassion we can all help one another overcome obstacles. A real feel good film.


The Verdict (1982) with Paul Newman - Everyone is capable of redemption. Paul Newman was so great in this movie! 


Please post more movies as you come across them!

I really enjoyed your responses.



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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

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I love the movies from the 30's and 40's on TCM......


There are a lot of lessons from "It's A Wonderful Life"----How one person's life impacts so many others....and it also shows that success is not always how we envisioned it, it's not about money, fame, fortune.....

As 'It's A Wonderful Life' turns 75, Karolyn 'Zuzu' Grimes reflects on the  film - The Washington Post


Another movie, my favorite Christmas movie is "The Bishop's Wife" (the original with Cary Grant, David Niven, and Loretta Young)....A lot of lessons learned---our prayers may not be answered in the way we think, but the answer we do get may have more of an impact on our lives than we would have dreamed of, taking time out for things that really matter ---family, friends, helping others in non-material ways, giving encouragement to others.  Don't forget the real meaning of Christmas or of faith....


THE BISHOP'S WIFE (1947) – Movie Valhalla

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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

I thought of two more (out of thousands, lol) That would be Lifeboat and then there's The Wrong Man-an innocent man is arrested (because they have the wrong man). I believe it's true and it sure made you feel his peril.


And how about GWTW? I mean, it tells so much!!! If ever a movie followed a book it was this one. Of course it's fiction, but it all happened. That scene of the wounded in Atlanta will stick with you for sure!


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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

Radio Flyer
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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

And Steel Magnolias! "I'd rather have 30 minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special."


It's on right now and Im watching and it's so wonderful.

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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

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The Wizard of Oz cause There's no place like home,......

And Rain Man because I have my own Rain Man and Tom Cruise is easy on the eyes.

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Re: Will You Share a Movie You’ve Watched That Made a Big Impact on Your Life?

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I absolutely love It's a Wonderful Life because of the message and the fact that at holiday time, we're often feeling sentimental already and that one touches a nerve for sure.


I've mentioned before, but my all time favorite movie is Dances With Wolves.  As an animal lover and horse owner/rider, I love the bond Dunbar has with his horse and also with the wolf. I love the scenery, the musical score, the action sequences, AND the story of true friendship he discovers with Kicking Bird. And the discovery of love that Dunbar wasn't expecting with Stands With a Fist.


I like the message that we never know who might come into our life with an offer of friendship that we never anticipated.  It's possible that true friendship can happen even if at first we seem to have nothing in common with someone. As long as it's based on mutual respect,we can form a friendship with someone who's very different from us.