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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@magicmoodz I LOVE that bag!  I need a bag with a pocket on the side for a water bottle, though.  I have the Lug Pacer bag in 5 different colors... all because of that slot for the water bottle.  LOL




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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@gidgetgh  I admire you too, very much.


I admire my late Mother more than I could ever admire anyone else.


I also admire myself for still being here after so many times of feeling that I just can't do it any more because of circumstances that would do in many/most people. I guess there's a reason why I am, the memory of my parents is all that keeps me going most days. That and the kindness of strangers, the most random unexpected conversations with people I had previously never met.


They're easier to tell your troubles to, and they're far more supportive and less judgemental.

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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

For me it is my mother-in law. The strongest, the most giving and loving lady that I have ever known. She had so many hardships in her life and heartbreaking times. I can't go into the specifics but trust me the lady went through so many tragic times. I feel blessed that she was my mother in law. 



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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

The person I admire the absolute most is Hillary Clinton. I'm not going to elaborate because I don't want to get proofed, so I'm just honestly answering the question.

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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

@gidgetgh  I admire you too, very much.


I admire my late Mother more than I could ever admire anyone else.


I also admire myself for still being here after so many times of feeling that I just can't do it any more because of circumstances that would do in many/most people. I guess there's a reason why I am, the memory of my parents is all that keeps me going most days. That and the kindness of strangers, the most random unexpected conversations with people I had previously never met.


They're easier to tell your troubles to, and they're far more supportive and less judgemental.


@Greeneyedlady21 You have more courage than you realize.  Hang in there!


I enjoy your posts and I am happy you are here. Smiley Happy

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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

The person I admire the absolute most is Hillary Clinton. I'm not going to elaborate because I don't want to get proofed, so I'm just honestly answering the question.

This is my response also. I always say to myself "What if".  I won't finish the sentence so this won't be deleted!

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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

[ Edited ]


"I also admire myself for still being here after so many times of feeling that I just can't do it any more because of circumstances that would do in many/most people. I guess there's a reason why I am..."

I can empathize with your situation as I have experienced a similar life story, so to speak. If it weren't for my wonderful mother who has passed, I wouldn't be.

I am thankful you are here. Your posts make me smile, think, and look at life differently. Thank you for being you. 🙂 ❤️

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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

Chef Jose Andres. He is te founder of World Central Kitchen a non profit devoted to providing food in the wake of natural disasters. He is a true humanitarian.

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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

I have a few:
Condoleeza Rice
Volodymyr Zelinsky
Ronald Reagan & Mikhail Gorbachev
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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@QVCkitty1  Jose Andres is also the person that I most admire.

He has been present at so many disasters and helping refugees all over the world, providing meals.


  World Central Kitchen is a very worthwhile charity to support.