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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@RedTop wrote:


I admire you too!  You endured a great loss that changed your life forever; during the grieving process you pushed yourself forward by emptying the home you shared with your husband, building a new home, selling the old home and making hard decisions about letting go of tons of personal items.  


You have shown Wonder Woman strength these last few years on your own; no bracelets, no lasso, just straight determination and a gutsiness to keep living a good life.  You have persevered thru the toughest storm of your life, and should admire yourself for where you are today.  The sharing of your journey will certainly be of help to many of us in time.   


@RedTop - oh my gosh.  Your post made me cry. Thank you so much.  My mom and dad raised me to be strong and you really have no other option when presented with life's challenges. Fold up and die just isn't an option. My parents and husband would be really proud of me.  I have tried so hard to be the old me again.  Baby steps and keep pushing forward every single day. Thank you again. I appreciate your post more than I can articulate. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

Marlow Thomas. She took her father's dream and ran with it. She has devoted her life to carrying on the mission of St. Judes. So much research and so many lives and families that have been touched by the miracles that happen there every day. Such a blessing.
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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

Fred Rogers
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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@gidgetgh wrote:

Actually, I admire me, but I have to remind myself of that sometimes.


It's been a rough several years, but so far, I've survived 100% of my most difficult days.  How great is that.



This might sound silly to you, but the other day when you were lamenting about whether you should pull the trigger on a new Hobo handbag or wait to see if you could get a bigger rebate...well it made me happy. 


Why? Because you have done so many things out of necessity--cleaning out your home prior to your husband's death then selling that home and buying a villa where some maintenance is provided. 


But a new handbag is not a need--but a want and that to me is a sign of healing. 


By the way, I love Hobo handbags! Which one did you get?



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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@gidgetgh wrote:

Actually, I admire me, but I have to remind myself of that sometimes.


It's been a rough several years, but so far, I've survived 100% of my most difficult days.  How great is that.

Very well said. Too often we're kinder to others than we are to ourselves.

I also admire you.




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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

Dr. Jonas Salk


He developed the polio vaccine and never took a patent on it.  He gave it to people free of charge.  I got that shot once when I was a small child.  God bless him.



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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

Over on websleuths, back in 2008 on, I was following the research being done on the 'Casey Anthony' case down in Florida.

BondJamesBond was the blogger who did the greatest research, so admirable and amazing.  I won't go into all the details, but he borders on genius!

Also Nikola Tesla - who wanted to give the world free electricity, which he was not allowed to do.  Tesla was exceptional!

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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

I also admire Dean Nicholson of Dunbar, Scotland, who decided to go on a world tour on bike.  Along the way he picked up a kittie, Nala, who has become a worldwide ambassador for animal causes and rights, his website is 1bike1world.


Meet Nala, the globetrotting, life-changing cat - The Big Issue


And Eden Sanctuary in Mallorca, Spain, an animal sanctuary run by Nicole Eden of Great Britain, saving homeless and neglected animals.  She has devoted her life to animal causes:


Eden animal Sanctuary in Mallorca

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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@magicmoodz wrote:

@gidgetgh wrote:

Actually, I admire me, but I have to remind myself of that sometimes.


It's been a rough several years, but so far, I've survived 100% of my most difficult days.  How great is that.



This might sound silly to you, but the other day when you were lamenting about whether you should pull the trigger on a new Hobo handbag or wait to see if you could get a bigger rebate...well it made me happy. 


Why? Because you have done so many things out of necessity--cleaning out your home prior to your husband's death then selling that home and buying a villa where some maintenance is provided. 


But a new handbag is not a need--but a want and that to me is a sign of healing. 


By the way, I love Hobo handbags! Which one did you get?



@magicmoodz - Hobo Pier. It just arrived about 15 minutes ago.



Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Who is One Person You Admire?

@ThinkingOutLoud ,  it is hard to narrow it down, since I have many I admire.  But I'm sure everyone has that same problem-- so, I'll say--   William Shakespeare.


For so many reasons.   One of the greatest writers who ever lived, capable of deeply penetrating plays, and exquisitely lyrical poetry.


Our everyday conversation is laden, saturated with expressions and epigrams that he coined.  They have such truth, that centuries later, we utter them without thinking, almost.


But there's much more.   As a student of human nature, you have to marvel at his profound insights into both the dark and light aspects of humanity.   He knew people inside out, which is why he could create such immortal characters with qualities that we instantly recognize, 400 plus years after he was creating them.


Hamlet, Lear, Lady Macbeth, Othello, Viola, Prospero, Iago, Portia, Falstaff, Rosalind--   memorable, complicated, true to life--  there seemed a never-ending flow of them while he lived.


I love that he shows us human nature in all its myriad, timeless forms.