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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

@Squirrels Are Trash 


Wait, what is a "riot grrrrrl"?  Do I want to be one? Sounds fun!

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I'm in the' i hate summer' camp-don't like the sun, hot weather, bugs, not a water person, don't garden etc. etc. Fall is taking its sweet time however, still in the mid 80's here and fairly humid. I feel alive when the weather gets crisp and cool-thats when i want to be outside. I actually hybernate in the summer! Wasnt always like this, loved the summer when i was a kid, but i think my health has something to do with it. Menpoause and autoimmune issues and horrible allergies.Smiley Surprised

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

meeeeeeeeee! Love the coziness!
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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I don't mind winter.  It's always easy to get warmer but so much harder to get cooler.  So winter's not that bad.  And I love the extra hour of sleep.  


We'll probably get a mild winter.  Eventually a lot of snow will disappear and summer will last longer and longer.  Even in October.

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

@Starpolisher  It's pretty basic.  My daughter had it made for me:




I wear it all the time except in the summer when I wear a wave pendant all the time.


(The shiny silver reflection may be making the script look a little wonky.)

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

@monicakm wrote:

I do. Dark, cooler, cozy weather is especially welcomed after a looong, scorching hot summer.

@monicakm  yes, yes and Yes!!!!   Bring on the Fall !🍁

my sentiments exactly, dark, cool crisp air , cozy weather !

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

@haddon9 wrote:

I don't.  I do not like driving in the dark.  It's a different world than driving when it's light out.  I try to avoid it.  


Last week I had no choice and it was getting dark as I drove home & almost hit a deer.  I was about three inches from it as it was smack in the middle of the front of my car!


It makes me more tired too when it's dark longer and the days are so short.

@haddon9   well yes there is that ,  there is a long stretch of road I have to drive to get home  it's rural and there are always deer !   So I do get that .  I still love the Fall though , summer is just too hot for me .   I love putting the fireplace on and enjoying that cooler weather.  That's 2hy there is a season for e eryineb,  we are all differ3nt if yiu live in a state that has the 4 seasons.   

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

[ Edited ]

I am! I am!


I love autumn and winter and the holidays! I love snow and skiing and hot drinks. 

I live at elevation in the Rocky Mountains and the beauty is enhanced by swift clouds moving across a deep blue sky or Aspens quaking in fall colors. 


Standard time and fireplaces and candles and fairy lights speak to my soul. 


Bring it on!  I can't wait! 

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

And fall and winter fashion clothing and colors are my fave!

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



Your description speaks to my soul Smiley Happy  It sounds beautiful and peaceful.  If I had a choice of where to live in this country, it would be either a horse ranch in the mountains of Montana or a penthouse suite on the Las Vegas Blvd Smiley Happy