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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



Yes, they should just make Standard Time a year around time.  All my devices (including watch) change themselves.  Wait, that was a big fat lie!  I have two wall clocks, microwave, stove and car that I need to change.  

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I see it as "cozy" @Hoovermom 

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

@TheMemphisVette wrote:

not me


dark at 4 in the afternoon is just wrong .......for me


I know.  I have lived in MA all my 64 years but it still strikes be as bizarre that it's night time at 4pm.  Getting up in the dark at 7am and darkness at 4pm feels like punishment.


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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



YES!  Cozy, lights dimmed to a warm ambiance, Fall fragrances in the Scentsy warmer.  I can almost feel it except it's currently 92 degrees, on it's way to 99 today Smiley Sad

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



My brain would too!

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



You must live somewhere there is no flying insects waiting to suck your blood or bombard you, get up your nose, down your shirt, in your hair.  That's what it's like sitting outside at night in Texas.  Add in the heat and humidity to make it extra inviting lol

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

[ Edited ]

@stellabystarlight wrote:

Not me.  In New York, in late November and early December, it gets dark at 4Smiley SurprisedO PM.  I can't go anywhere as I do not drive in the dark anymore.  It is very depressing for me and really wish we had daylight savings time all year round.

@stellabystarlight I am the same way.  I hate it getting dark @ 4:30-5 it makes for a long night.  I tend to get depressed when there isn't much daylight as well.  

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



Does Door Dash deliver to your address?  Aldi's?  WM?

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



Yes! I’m a creature of the night.


Me too!  Someone has to keep the world churning while everyone else is asleep Smiley Happy

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



 It's called Standard Time because that's what is normal.  


Exactly.  It's the timetable God created (most likely for a reason) Smiley Happy