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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



This is our driest month of the year (I think).  Leaves are falling but it's because they're dead from no water.  It's SO dusty beyond my yard that gets watered enough to stay golf course green.  I miss what the weather was like even 10 years ago.

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



I admit I prefer the moody weather and time.


Oh I like you!  "Moody" weather.  I'm going to try to remember that.  And thanks for teaching me a new word.  Pluviophile is one I've never heard (but I am one).  When it's stormy at night, I love to cuddle and get cozy.  Loud storms don't bother either of my dogs.  I DO like snow tho.  My husband says that's because I don't have to drive in it.

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



Exactly Smiley Happy

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



I'm guessing you live in the Northern tier.  In the southern states, we have summer from June thru Oct.  

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



That sounds like a lovely dream I wouldn't want to wake up from Smiley Happy

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



After the dry hot brutal Summer I am counting the days down


Me too and Sept does NOT seem to want to let go of this dry hot butal summer.



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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



LOL.  I wish Mother Nature would sprinkle us with some Autumn!

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?



 I do not pine for cold, dark, frigid, depressing, icy, snowy days.


You ain't from around here, are ya?



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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I am so looking forward to the time change. I love it when it gets dark earlier. I enjoy my flameless candles and will put my Bethlehem Lights candles in my windows. Will turn on fireplace in evenings and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or glass of wine. Will watch movies and just relax. 

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

[ Edited ]

  1. @monicakm wrote:



    I admit I prefer the moody weather and time.


    Oh I like you!  "Moody" weather.  I'm going to try to remember that.  And thanks for teaching me a new word.  Pluviophile is one I've never heard (but I am one).  When it's stormy at night, I love to cuddle and get cozy.  Loud storms don't bother either of my dogs.  I DO like snow tho.  My husband says that's because I don't have to drive in it.

Me too!🌧☔️🌂💧⛈️


I had never heard that word either. 



Would you mind sharing a picture of your necklace, please.🤗


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-Kahlil Gibran