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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

@Jordan2 wrote:

Now I will take a compliment from anyone who is willing to give it (don't get that many). I was thinking, does a compliment mean more from a man or woman? I think a compliment means more to me from a woman. I feel a kinship with her, she knows what goes into getting yourself together. I feel men don't realize what we women do to make ourselves feel good and look good. 

Doesn't matter to me,I'll take a compliment from a man or a woman, I'm not fussy.

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

I must be a mess..........nobody says a word to me......................

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

I don't get many compliments any more so I am just happy to get one -- period!  Way back when when I got a compliment from a man, I used to think it was because they were trying to hit on me - which in essence they probably were -- and I did not feel comfortable at all.  If I got a compliment from a woman -- usually a friend or acquaintance -- I felt really good because then I felt as if I had nailed it!!!  

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

@Desertdi wrote:

I must be a mess..........nobody says a word to me......................

I'm sure that's not true! As long as you feel good about yourself who really cares what other people think. Some people can never offer a compliment. When my father was alive my mother would tell him he looked nice when he dressed up. He never offered compliments to her, it wasn't in his nature. My mother bless her heart never held it against him!

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

Huh?  If a complement is well intentioned and makes me feel good, why the heck would i care if it;s from a man or woman????    And I don't think every other woman in the country knows how I put myself and my look together or how I feel.  We're humans, we aren't clones. 

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

@Desertdi wrote:

I must be a mess..........nobody says a word to me......................

I'm sure you're lovely. Smiley Happy

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

I don't ever remember complimenting other women when I was young and didn't believe men or women when they complimented me. Poor self esteem I guess! As an older person I see the beauty in everyone and everything and I compliment people all the time on everything.

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

i've answered this previously about myself, but i like to give compliments as well.  both to men and to women.  more so to women.  i have more women friends and i think they appreciate it more, too!

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

Why would it make a difference if the compliment came from a man or a woman?  Isn't that a little sexist?   


IMO, a compliment is a compliment is a compliment.   If it's sincere, great.  I don't care if it is coming from a male or female.  

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Re: Which Compliment Holds More Weight

You look good for a big girl.


Did you have a tummy-tuck?