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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

@occasionalrain wrote:

I believe Brian has a prescription for Adderall. He may have needed to get it refilled and that may be the reasons he flew home rather than just asking his parents to clear out the storage unit.

If they were getting drugs from someone they met in their travels, maybe doing a bit of selling for extra cash, that could have led to Gabby's death and the reason he left.

It just seems unlikely that after two years, living together, and a previous trip, he would kill her on this one.

@occasionalrain    Wow you sure seem to have a lot of inside information about Brian and Gabby.Have you shared this with the authorities? Or are you just making all of this up?

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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

It always amazes me  how much posters claim to know about celebrities, the royal family, hosts etc... as if they have the inside scoop.   They know all about the hosts contracts and how much they make.     Why  they possibly even know where Brian is... Speculation gone awry.    

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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?



Agree; I think he is long gone, too.  I'm not convinced he is out-of-country.  Even with our 21 century technology, this is a huge country and there are lots of places to become anonymous.  He may live the rest of his life without being found or found out. 

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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

My first thought, posted way back, was Cuba.  Somewhat close to Florida.  Boats sailing back and forth.


No extradition treaty, etc.


Also, easy to walk over to Mexico, but he would be sent back to the US, I believe, and not sure. 


But, money does talk.  Who knows who gave him what (money) before he took off. 

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

Update: Brian Laundrie Items Found at Florida Park by His Parents; Medical Examiner Responding.



Items belonging to Brian Laundrie found on trail at North Port park, his family's attorney says.


The Sarasota County Medical Examiner’s Office says it has been called to the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park by the North Port Police Department.




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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

@MorningLover wrote:

Update: Brian Laundrie Items Found at Florida Park by His Parents; Medical Examiner Responding.



Items belonging to Brian Laundrie found on trail at North Port park, his family's attorney says.


The Sarasota County Medical Examiner’s Office says it has been called to the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park by the North Port Police Department.


Also, a cadaver dog..

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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@MorningLover wrote:

Update: Brian Laundrie Items Found at Florida Park by His Parents; Medical Examiner Responding.



Items belonging to Brian Laundrie found on trail at North Port park, his family's attorney says.


The Sarasota County Medical Examiner’s Office says it has been called to the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park by the North Port Police Department.


Also, a cadaver dog..

Been following this live on WFLA via YouTube.  Sure sounds like they've found 'something'...

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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

I just heard on the news that the coroner has been called. Wouldn't that indicate they found his body?

It looks like he was in that park after all. And now I'm thinking he wanted to end his life.

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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

      Strange though...those closed 'parks' have been searched for days and nothing found.  Then the day after the park was opened to the public, 'something' from Brian has appeared!!  Too much of a coincidence, I say....

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Re: Where Is Brian Laundrie?

Partial human remains found near a backpack consistent with what Brian Laundrie may have had.  NBC news.  Area was previously under water.