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Re: When you were little......

me too me too!!! and she was NASTY.  she belittled a young man and I'll never forget it.  she was HUGE and maybe nasty beause of that, but she was awful for a 2nd grade teacher.  while I was by her desk and facing the wall,,,,,the entire school came in to sign up for a tallent show,,,,so everyone saw me including my older brother's class......I remember it well.

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Re: When you were little......

[ Edited ]

@nun ya


The things I described happened in first and second grade.  I went to Catholic grade school and part of the problem was that I would complete the class work and then be bored.  Bored sometimes turned into disruptive.


Back then my Ma took me to a doctor and he prescribed phenobarbital (small dose).  In school, when the parish priest would visit class rooms, the students would stand up and say Good Morning Father XXXX.


Well I went from a ginger with perfect braids, immaculate jumper, blouse tucked in, socks pulled up ......


to a ginger with her hair all over the place, blouse hanging out, socks down around my ankles, sitting in my desk.


When the priest came in, all the kids but me stood up.  The teacher said, Bernadette Father XXXX is here.  I vividly remember saying, I see him.


I was sent to the office that time too.


My mom stopped the phenobarb, and cut back my sugar intake.  She told the teachers, if she finishes her work, give her more or have her clean the board or something.



EDITED TO ADD - what I described a few posts above happened once each.  My mother didn't endorse that kind of treatment by nuns or laypeople.  My mother was one of those people who did not allow others to lay hands on their kids.  If I was wrong and she would ask me in the office and I usually admitted to doing something, the spanking started in the office and continued across the street from the school (I lived across the street).


My mother didn't think her kids were perfect and she had no problem grounding us for bad behavior.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: When you were little......

Birdmama ...your posts rmind me of reading the Ramona children books. 


I was disruptive too, but not because I finished my work. I think they passed me so they never had to see me again.


That's crazy for a first or second grader to be doing squats for punishment.

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Re: When you were little......

@Bird mama wrote:

@nun ya


The things I described happened in first and second grade.  I went to Catholic grade school and part of the problem was that I would complete the class work and then be bored.  Bored sometimes turned into disruptive.


Back then my Ma took me to a doctor and he prescribed phenobarbital (small dose).  In school, when the parish priest would visit class rooms, the students would stand up and say Good Morning Father XXXX.


Well I went from a ginger with perfect braids, immaculate jumper, blouse tucked in, socks pulled up ......


to a ginger with her hair all over the place, blouse hanging out, socks down around my ankles, sitting in my desk.


When the priest came in, all the kids but me stood up.  The teacher said, Bernadette Father XXXX is here.  I vividly remember saying, I see him.


I was sent to the office that time too.


My mom stopped the phenobarb, and cut back my sugar intake.  She told the teachers, if she finishes her work, give her more or have her clean the board or something.



EDITED TO ADD - what I described a few posts above happened once each.  My mother didn't endorse that kind of treatment by nuns or laypeople.  My mother was one of those people who did not allow others to lay hands on their kids.  If I was wrong and she would ask me in the office and I usually admitted to doing something, the spanking started in the office and continued across the street from the school (I lived across the street).


My mother didn't think her kids were perfect and she had no problem grounding us for bad behavior.



Totally forgot!  I went to a Catholoc school as well (but we were Luthern), and the nun spanked my hand for not being able to write straight without a line...I ended up having the highest Interior Design classes in the state in the state for ten years!  Left that school at ten...

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Registered: ‎01-19-2015

Re: When you were little......

To this day I'm embarrassed when I think about it-First day of 6th grade-after lunch and I started my period for the first time. I didn't have any pads and I crammed toilet paper in my panties. Well you guessed it's-I had a leak. (I still remember my cute little scooter skirt-blue with tiny pink roses). My teacher called me out in the hall and told me what she had noticed. I went to the nurse horrified. My mom came and just took me home. I missed the next day too!
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: When you were little......

Nunya, Miss Dorothy got away with each once. 


When I was younger I think I would have been doubled promoted had I been in public school. 


Things were better by about 4th grade. 


The next time it hit the skids was when we got a new male teacher named Frank in the 8th grade.  Guy was a pig.  He used to drink Maalox like a maniac and looked like a wild dog foaming at the mouth.


The first day of school, he hit my skinny left arm with a paddle - I didn't scream nor did I cry.  I looked him in the eye and said, you are going to regret doing that.  No need to send me to the office, because I am taking my purse and going voluntarily.  Just so you know, you will be meeting my mother shortly and I suspect it will be unpleasant for you.


Frank used to look up girls skirts or try to look down their blouses.  We ha some girls who matured and looked womanly at 8th grade.  I was not one of them (lol) so I didn't have to worry about that.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 4,181
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Re: When you were little......

The nuns used to announce over the intercom who didn't have their tuition paid yet. I never told my parents. It was always the same people. My parents didn't have a lot of money and when I got older I thought my father must have paid when he got his tax refund. I was so glad when I didn't go to high school there.
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Re: When you were little......

@brbfromTX wrote:
To this day I'm embarrassed when I think about it-First day of 6th grade-after lunch and I started my period for the first time. I didn't have any pads and I crammed toilet paper in my panties. Well you guessed it's-I had a leak. (I still remember my cute little scooter skirt-blue with tiny pink roses). My teacher called me out in the hall and told me what she had noticed. I went to the nurse horrified. My mom came and just took me home. I missed the next day too!


  OMG, those sort of incidents are excrutiating!

  I remember in fifth grade, there was a girl sitting in the classroom one would go in there because she stunk.

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Posts: 41,976
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: When you were little......

@lovescats wrote:
The nuns used to announce over the intercom who didn't have their tuition paid yet. I never told my parents. It was always the same people. My parents didn't have a lot of money and when I got older I thought my father must have paid when he got his tax refund. I was so glad when I didn't go to high school there.


Oh my God - that is horrible. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,813
Registered: ‎05-29-2015

Re: When you were little......

@Bird mama wrote: will be meeting my mother shortly and I suspect it will be unpleasant for you...



Was it!!??  Tell!



~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~