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Re: When you think of funerals

No, I do not want a funeral.  I want to be cremated only.  Where my ashes should go I don't know and I don't care.  I'm dead and that's it.  And I'm an organ doner, too.  Just cremate me in the end.  However, I do respect those who want a funeral and I have attended them before.  To me it's just a way to say goodbye to the deceased.  

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Re: When you think of funerals



I'm hoping you have an inflation clause.  Mom and Dad didn't have one (they thought they did).  We buried Dad last July.  It's very hard to keep a funeral under $10,000 these days.  Basically we had to come up with around $4,000 dollars.

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Re: When you think of funerals

OP ... you said you do not want to be "preached at."   Some times this is the only time one hears "the message."


It is selfish not to have a list of "what you want" for your funeral which runs approx. $8000.  Prepaying is good so Medicaid doesn't take all your money if one should end up in a nursing home (at least in my state).   Do not leave this task for bereaving family members, they are suffering enough.


As the song says, "I'm only passing through." 

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Re: When you think of funerals

I want to be cremated, but also definitely want a church service.  I want a spiritual send off for me, as well as my family and friends. That is what we are most comfortable with in our family...nothing morbid or gruesome, but a celebration of a person's life as a Christian.

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Re: When you think of funerals

I want a mass,  not  anything else. This is for my children, and for the repose of my soul.  I don't want a big public  service. I wasn't like that in life, and I will return to my maker ,as quietly as possible

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Re: When you think of funerals

I believe it is all about those left behind. Whatever my kids do is fine. We have plots with my parents, my father used to brag he bought 4 plots in 1947 for $100.

I had to arrange my parents’, best friends’ and cousin’s

funerals by myself (with Dhc ’ support) - more than enough funerals for me.


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Re: When you think of funerals

The funeral announcement (with picture) alone was $520.  We really wanted that and I am glad we did it but I was shocked at how much it cost.

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Re: When you think of funerals

@jubilant wrote:

The funeral announcement (with picture) alone was $520.  We really wanted that and I am glad we did it but I was shocked at how much it cost.

@jubilant I was shocked at all of that too; for us the obituary (no picture) - $450.  Criminal IMO.   I don't recall them asking for a picture.



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Re: When you think of funerals

@mercyMe  ....  I do not believe that it is anyone's responsibility to get the message to a grieving person; I also believe it is abusive.  It is when the person is very vulnerable.  If one is concerned about another's soul, I believe that s/he can preach at another time.  JMO    I believe words of comfort and lots of love is what is best at this time.  



Thanks to all of you who have been sharing.  And to all of you who will share in the future.  I know this is a touchy subject.

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Posts: 16,543
Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: When you think of funerals

Nope.  There is no one to really come anyway so just burn me up and let me fly.  Smiley Very Happy