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Re: When there can’t be a relationship or future

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Since it was mentioned straight out that there was NO CHANCE and CERTAINLY... NO FUTURE.... why would you say anything?  Why let that person who shared these feelings for you go through the rest of their life knowing you had those same feelings? That could plant a seed I wouldn't want to plant. To me, it seems cruel and might keep someone hanging on needlessly. False hope for sure.


I choose a.


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Re: When there can’t be a relationship or future

Sounds like the kind of class that I'd be really ticked off if I'd paid money to take it. 

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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Registered: ‎04-30-2011

Re: When there can’t be a relationship or future

Actually this has happened to me. Around 7 years ago I started dating a gentleman who is 6 years younger than I am, I am 42 now and found the relationship awesome. Except he would never open up about feelings or past relationships or anything about us. Over time and after trying to pull things out of him I ended it. A few months went by and we reconnected and just became friends. However, I fell for him. I made the mistake of telling him on NYE that I fell in love with him and wanted to spend New Years with him. The reply I received was not the best. He said we needed to talk and didn’t hear from him until days later. Later found out that he spent New Years with another friend since she broke up with her boyfriend and had a group thing planned and he was the fill in for her. I later figured out that his heart was always with her. It broke my heart. After that we remained friends and now which is 7 1/2 years later we are still close friends. However, because of that I will never tell anyone those words ever again. I was crushed and it took me years to get over it even with the fact we still remained friends and hung out. I am over it now and see him differently and know there was a reason it didn’t work out. There are things about him that I know don’t make us compatible as a couple.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 517
Registered: ‎08-28-2018

Re: When there can’t be a relationship or future

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Yes I would let them know how I felt, but they would have to also share my religious beliefs. Attend  Sunday Church Services, observe alll high holy days and Church guidelines, regulations, commandments, celebrations, festivals etc. 


In addition they would also have to accept and respect my family, especially since we are very close and I would no way ever give up my family or family ties for anyone, no matter how deeply I may feel for them..


Lasrtly I would hope in time after they got to know them all, that they would also  respect, care about, and love them.