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When You Get the "Something Must Be Wrong. Call CS" Message

Over the time I have been active here, I've seen forum users post that they could not log in to the website and were directed to call customer service.


It happened to me this morning. I was on my laptop using the Chrome browser.


Here's how I was able to rectify it.


The last time I was able to log in was from my iPad using Chrome. When I checked, I was already logged in from my iPad, so I signed out (from the iPad) and could log in from my laptop.


TLDR: If you can't log in, see if you are still logged in from another device, like a phone or tablet. Then, either login or use that device since you are already logged in. QVC's website SHOULD drop the license (sign you out) when you are no longer online or after a predetermined period, but it looks like it doesn't always.



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Re: When You Get the "Something Must Be Wrong. Call CS" Message

Thank you! That solved my problem. I was signed in on my phone. I usually don't check the box that says keep me signed in so I don't know how that happened.


I have not been able to place an order through my laptop in about a year. I have tried 3 different browsers with the same problem. I contacted QVC social team without any solution. The only way I can place an online order is on my phone. Isn't that weird? I use chrome on my phone. Wish I could fix that.

“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.” Abraham Lincoln
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Re: When You Get the "Something Must Be Wrong. Call CS" Message


@Squirrels Are Trash 


would it fix the situation on using your laptop to order if you started a new account from your laptop?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: When You Get the "Something Must Be Wrong. Call CS" Message



AAP:  We feed squirrels  🐿





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Re: When You Get the "Something Must Be Wrong. Call CS" Message

@Squirrels Are Trash I also sometimes get this message when my Internet connection is going in and out.  (Sadly happens to me a lot.). 

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Re: When You Get the "Something Must Be Wrong. Call CS" Message



AAP:  We feed squirrels  🐿



Me too!


TLDR: Too Long Didn't Read- It's a courtesy summary of a longer explanation.  

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Registered: ‎09-11-2022

Re: When You Get the "Something Must Be Wrong. Call CS" Message



It's also a message that Reddit uses when your connection is unstable.


In SW, the best practice is to use error messages that are very specific and clear. Oh well, at least I didn't write them. Smiley Wink

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Posts: 842
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: When You Get the "Something Must Be Wrong. Call CS" Message


@LTT1 wrote:


@Squirrels Are Trash 


would it fix the situation on using your laptop to order if you started a new account from your laptop?


Never thought of that. Not sure if i will try it.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.


“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.” Abraham Lincoln