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I pick up all from pennies to paper.  I have found $20.00 bills several times, five dollar bills, a checkbook, a credit card and a wallet with $330.00 cash in it.  I returned the wallet, checkbook and located credit card owner.  The owner of the wallet was a young man who had dropped in a parking lot and the look on his face when I gave it to him the next day was priceless.  

I found a cellphone once on one of my daily walks and just waited until the first phone call came in.  The owner's husband came and picked it up when his son called and told him some strange lady had his Mom's cell phone.

I have a special vase that I put all the pennies ect..... in when I find them.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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i pick up anything in money.  I think the largest I picked up was a quarter.

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@beckyb1012 wrote:

I pick up all from pennies to paper.  I have found $20.00 bills several times, five dollar bills, a checkbook, a credit card and a wallet with $330.00 cash in it.  I returned the wallet, checkbook and located credit card owner.  The owner of the wallet was a young man who had dropped in a parking lot and the look on his face when I gave it to him the next day was priceless.  

I found a cellphone once on one of my daily walks and just waited until the first phone call came in.  The owner's husband came and picked it up when his son called and told him some strange lady had his Mom's cell phone.

I have a special vase that I put all the pennies ect..... in when I find them.

Very, very good!


With all that..If Karma has "anything to do with it" should be well rewarded, 


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My fingers are so screwed up that I can't even pick up any coins. Don't even carry them in my wallet either. So the only money I would be picking up is the paper kind.

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I will pick up any coins I find, however, I've always heard if you pick up a penny on "tails", it's bad luck.  I only pick up a penny if it's on "heads". 

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   I pick up pennies.

The largest amount that blew in my direction was a $20.00 bill.

  . . . I picked that up too.

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Sometimes I pick up coins, depends on where and when.  The largest amount I ever picked up was a $50.00 bill.  I assumed it was probably fake. Later I showed it to my niece who was a cashier and experienced with handling cash and she told me - nope, not fake - it's real! So I bought us both lunch with it.

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Mine, too!


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This was years ago when I lived in CA.  Mid 1980s.  


Day after Halloween ... some kid's treat bag probably broke.  We went out to walk the dog and there was a stream of quarters on the sidewalk down the street.  Retrieved them all!

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All found money is good!  I will not pick up a penny if it is face down, however.  I was told that this is bad luck.  The most I ever found was a $20.00 bill.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin