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Re: What was your best and/or most favorite holiday moment this year -- so far?

My younger son took us to McCormick & Schmick's Grille in Reston, Va., on Christmas Eve. The company was scintillating and loving, but in the background was the most enchanting "tape," I thought, of Christmas music.

When I asked who was performing on the tape (or whatever), my younger son said the performer was live. So, I went and stared at the acoustic guitarist, who is brilliant, I think. His name is Matthew Mills (Acoustic Guitarist), and he has a Flamenco influence in all his renditions. Give a listen:

ETA: Forgot to write that the food was superb! The house chef is really gifted, IMHO.

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Re: What was your best and/or most favorite holiday moment this year -- so far?

On 12/27/2014 minkbunny said:

My husband had an above the knee amputation of his left leg last year, has been going through the grueling fittings and therapy with his prosthesis for months, and the family got to see him walk on both legs for the first time Christmas Day !

Tears and applause all around. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

Minkbunny, I'm all teary eyed just reading your post. What a wonderful occasion to show off his new legs. Blessings to you and your husband for a healthy and prosperous new year. You're already on your way. (((Hugs)))

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: What was your best and/or most favorite holiday moment this year -- so far?

I truly enjoyed cooking, we opened our gifts and it was so much fun and then we enjoyed our meal, cleaned up the kitchen as if it never happened. I took in every moment since DS came in at 8p on the 24th due to work and then he was scheduled back on the 25th at 5p, so while our time was short, it was great.

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Re: What was your best and/or most favorite holiday moment this year -- so far?

One of our many blessings was being able to spend time with our two adult Godchildren on Christmas day. We always enjoy being in their company and learning about their newest accomplishments. They are both wonderful women and we love them dearly.

The oldest is a nurse who works with adults and children who are developmentally disabled. She has learned the art of patience with them and really loves her "kids" and enjoys her work. She has three adult children and three grandchildren and is a proud grandma.

The youngest is a supervisor at a nearby university. She has two children, both adopted from South Korea. They are 14 and 9 years old and are both honor students in school. Even though she isn't their biological mother it doesn't matter because she is truly their heart mother. I get teary eyed when I think of the true love and devotion between them. It warms my heart and it's all about family.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: What was your best and/or most favorite holiday moment this year -- so far?

On 12/27/2014 minkbunny said:

My husband had an above the knee amputation of his left leg last year, has been going through the grueling fittings and therapy with his prosthesis for months, and the family got to see him walk on both legs for the first time Christmas Day !

Tears and applause all around. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

I apologize for not having read your entry. My attention was brought to your post by Anika, who has a generous heart, I think. May your husband continue to triumph over his health challenges. Truly, his ability to walk was a magnificent gift. Blessings to all of you.

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Re: What was your best and/or most favorite holiday moment this year -- so far?

I hand raised two birds in 2005. I lost the female (Peewee) in July of this year. I am so grateful that her brother is still with me. He is officially 9 1/2 years old as of yesterday.

My other two birds are 5 years and 18 months. I'm also grateful for them.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: What was your best and/or most favorite holiday moment this year -- so far?

Thank you all so very much for sharing with me and others here! For those who are having a wonderful holiday, I am so happy for you. For others who are experiencing painful events, I sympathize with you. When things are not so great, holidays are really hard. I pray for a wonderful, blessed, safe, and happy new year for us all!!!!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: What was your best and/or most favorite holiday moment this year -- so far?

My son getting leave & coming home from Kuwait!......Aw minkbunny....that touched my heart<3