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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

@Sooner wrote:

Every day when I wake up and have a roof and food I am thankful to God for them because where I come from and what I saw around me I am amazed.  Any donation I make I pray someone will be blessed because how blessed I am to have it to donate.  


I get angry at the people who take advantage of charity and don't need it, robbing and taking from the ones who do.  So I'd like to make sure the ones who really need it get what they need and not the cheaters.  

Isnt that the truth. You have to be a real garbage human to steal from charity, conning the people who donated with open hearts and then using the money for your own personal luxuries. 
Trash. Luckily, these people eventually get caught and sometimes punished.
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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

I've been a member for several years and a 2 year past President our local chapter (Hometown Civitan Club since 2015) of Civitan International (info at Civitan.Org) in Central Florida. Civitan focuses on people with IDD. We service local charities in 3 counties. Our Civitan is an all women's club; but, there are also mixed ones. We also service charities involved with women and children. We award grants in thousands of dollars once a year to several of our deserving charities.  Civitan is world wide and there's highly likely one in your area/state. This organization has been in existence over 100 years! They have an important research hospital in Bermingham, Alabama, working with people with IDD and now also alzheimer. My father was a Civitan member and that is how I knew about this important organization prior to my membership. Our Civitan motto: "A club worthy of your time".  I suggest to check out this fantastic organization for yourself! 


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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

[ Edited ]

I loved volunteering at my kids’ schools. Every Wednesday I would be in class doing whatever the teacher asked of me. Be it giving extra attention and help to kids that needed reading or math help. Making copies, painting scenery for the daughter/daddy dance. Anything they needed. Right up until the 7th grade. Then I started volunteering on committees and fundraising for the school. Even after my kids graduated I volunteered for 13 years more. Loved it. The schools do so much for our kids, it is good to give back to them.

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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

I volunteer at an after school tutoring program in a lower economic housing development for at risk kids. I also volunteer to do childcare at a skill development center for at risk moms and domestic violence survivors to further their education.


I'm starting to get a heart for working with the elderly now in some capacity even if it's just someone to sit and visit with them. They often get overlooked in society.


If there are scammers out there, I just leave that up to God and don't let that stop me from giving where I'm led.  

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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

[ Edited ]

A good portion of my "volunteering life" was spent in the classroom.


I helped in class for both of my children, which I enjoyed immensely.


I also participated in a "picture lady" program there wherein we chose one painting, researched it and the painter and then presented in a classroom to grades K-5.

That was so joyful as I loved what the children saw and the questions they asked.


I started being a "grandma helper" for my oldest grandson and that was so rewarding.  It was a pleasure getting to know these children through the years and watching them grow.


Last June, I watched that first class where I volunteered graduate from high school.  It was so touching hugging many of them I met as small children.


I appreciate where I am in today's world as I see bright, articulate, caring, talented, wonderful children going forth in the world to make it better.

"My desire to be well informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane."
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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

For a couple of decades I volunteered as  a hotline counselor for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and children who were sexually assaulted by non-family members  The need is and has always been present.  It is the hidden epidemic around the world.  I believe in hands-on helping and if you can please donate to support the victims/survivors.  It's a sad fact of life.......doesn't matter the education or socio-economic's everywhere.  Prayers for the victims/survivors and those who are helping.

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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

So many generous people on these boards. Being a library volunteer would fit my personality.

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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

 When my son was in school I was always one of the class mothers. I also volunteered for the PTA.


 I also volunteered weekly for many years, at the local food bank. Covid slowed it down a lot, as did my husband's health issues.I still stop by every once in a while & still send them a check once a month.




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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

I would certainly call you all, "the Golden Girls"  because you shine so brightly from the inside out.  Thanks to you all.  My heart just grew 2X's larger today with all your specialness. All of you.

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Re: What volunteer work would make you appreciate where you are in today's world?

I volunteered and served dinner at a male rescue mission in Memphis.  All the men there very polite and thankful.