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Re: What to do with Hummels?

@151949 wrote:

Can you post a picture of them?  It seems a shame to just give them away.  Perhaps a church thrift store. 

@151949 a lot of my mom's collection is shall we say "newer" but I am pretty sure at least a dozen of the collection are original pieces and would be of interest to true collectors. I already have a charity to donate them to but I guess I would love for them to go to a good home if that makes sense . . . Smiley Happy

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Re: What to do with Hummels?

[ Edited ]

I understand how you feel about them, as I feel the same about mine. It's a heart connection to the person who originally loved them. When I hold one of her's in my hand I feel like she is there with me. Some of minbe even have small defects in them but I don't care because they were Grandma's. 

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Re: What to do with Hummels?

I have Hummels from my Mother, my Aunts, my sons and some I bought. They are on display in a curio cabinet. I know they aren't worth much but I love their faces. I have been on EBay and my biggest and oldest ones are selling for about 1000.00 dollars. This was on the sold side. They are Umbrella boy and Umbrella girl. I wish you luck. I have sold Boyds Bears on EBay and fairly well. PS  my son does this for me.


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Re: What to do with Hummels?

The thing is they were made in germany,quality not china, japan  things come around i bet in years to come the value will come up.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: What to do with Hummels?



I inherited my Great Aunt's Hummel collection from the 50's that her husband collected while in the AirForce.  She never had children and she called them her children.   


30years ago or so I took them to an Atanta  jewelry/gift shop where they sold Hummels. I called ahead and the owner was happy to see them and appraise them for me. I still have the list we put together.  (around 25 very old Hummels) 


My collection is in a curio cabinet and I still enjoy them after all these years. 


I also have  10  Dated Year  Hummel angels I collected to place  on the Christmas Tree.  


I like the idea of giving them to a retirement/nursing home to put in a cabinet.  


*Contact Antique Roadshow/PBS?  They may be able to assist you.  Good Luck,CAT

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Re: What to do with Hummels?

Back when we first got married i had a temper, well we collected the hummels , my huband loved them ,and i also one day i got upset ,had a fit grabed a hummel and threw it, and cried that i broke it never did that again!!

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Posts: 21,437
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: What to do with Hummels?

@gacat123 wrote:



I inherited my Great Aunt's Hummel collection from the 50's that her husband collected while in the AirForce.  She never had children and she called them her children.   


30years ago or so I took them to an Atanta  jewelry/gift shop where they sold Hummels. I called ahead and the owner was happy to see them and appraise them for me. I still have the list we put together.  (around 25 very old Hummels) 


My collection is in a curio cabinet and I still enjoy them after all these years. 


I also have  10  Dated Year  Hummel angels I collected to place  on the Christmas Tree.  


I like the idea of giving them to a retirement/nursing home to put in a cabinet.  


*Contact Antique Roadshow/PBS?  They may be able to assist you.  Good Luck,CAT

@gacat123 you had me at "curio cabinet" as that is yet another item I need to find a good home . . . have a great evening my friend!  Smiley Happy

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Re: What to do with Hummels?

@momtochloe wrote:

I just want to say a more than I can say heartfelt thank you for all your input. I guess after growing up in a Hummel household it is tough to round that corner . . . but please know for those that still cherish this collection I will be holding on to one of my mom's favorities . . . again, sincere thanks for all your input! . . . Heart 

@momtochloe  That is such a wonderful tribute to your mom to welcome one of her cherished pieces into your home as a rememberance to her.  Blessings to you in whatever decision you make for the rest of her collection.Heart

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Re: What to do with Hummels?

Give them to goodwill to sell on their online website. Then take a tax write off on the value you can document. Easy! And your donation helps others!

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Re: What to do with Hummels?

@momtochloe wrote:

@bonnielu wrote:

I have four daughters.  Sadly they want NOTHING.  I have Hummels, china, crystal, silver, paintings... I could go on and on.  No one wants anything.  And honestly it looks like the Hummels do not bring anything worth spending the time to list.  Of course Hope I Am Wrong.

@bonnielu I hear you . . . . Heart

I'm a pinch confused.

If they hold memories, why not keep them?