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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

@Love to Run wrote:

Every generation thinks it's superior to the next. They are never right. 

@Love to Run I disagree with "every generation". Too broad and simplistic, considering each generation can teach and raise good people. 


Not all parents do.


One generation lives and experiences first hand the Cold War, Civil Rights, Cuban Missile Crisis, the beginnings of awareness of our environment and the ecocide that took place and still happens, JFK, MLK, RFK and what might have changed had they lived, Vietnam, the start of gay rights, women's rights,  the Chicago 7 and other voices speaking up. I could go on.


I lived through all of the above and had many discussions with my son and now grandson. Some parents despised hippies, pot, LSD, etc. and certainly there were young losers thinking Woodstock was forever.


When you share your true experiences and even what you learned but did not experience such as Emmit Till you raise good people who do not think each decade happens in a vacuum.


Some people in some generations simply do not understand their own lives, living in a vacuum themselves. It is no wonder some cannot relate to any upcoming generation.


No generation is perfect, no generation has all the answers.


I praise the newer generations who question without rancor and without superiority; it goes both ways.


Certainly some societal issues have grown out of control but people are trying whether aged 10 or 90 to know facts from hysteria.


Raise good people because they will raise good people. 


And if one chooses not to have children, that is fine. Just be aware of what you promote as being only one way or no way. Same for parents.


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Re: What's going on with our young people ?


@Desertdi wrote:

@SandySparkles wrote:

😔I seriously PRAY for our younger generation!🙏❤ These are more examples of such a LONG list of savage, SENSELESS, deplorable acts of depravity perpetrated by today's youth without any regard for human life, or the consequences of their actions! 😞 Just when you think you have seen and heard it all, ANOTHER headline surfaces even more hellacious than the previous!😐 Immoral behavior is not only glorified these days, it is ENCOURAGED! My heart breaks for the many victims, and their devastated families💔


I am sending heartfel prayers of solace🙏 and healing🙏 for the innocent vicitms❤, and their heartbroken families! I am still shaking my head in disbelief!😐


~~~All we need is LOVE💖




@SandySparkles      I have read that they have no "people skills" because they spend ALL their time on electronic devices instead of personal contact.        di

@Desertdi I have read and seen similar things and it makes me so grateful that most of us were taught those things!👍



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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

[ Edited ]



We were having a conversation and I enjoy it.  In fact, I gave hearts to your earlier posts in the thread because I agreed with them.


I think you'd be surprised by how much were in line when it comes to this topic too.  I don't agree with the easy availability of these weapons.  I just don't believe the problems start because they're available, but rather provide an easier more instant way in which to exact retribution stemming from overwhelming anger.


I know far fewer people would die if they were not available.  I just think there is also a problem of intense hatred and anger toward our fellow human beings that never existed so openly before.  


Sadly, much of this is perpetuated by news outlets and supposed role models and prominent figures.  

This is viewed by and trickles down to our kids.  I'm not sure what measures are going to have to be taken in order for us to come back from this as a society.

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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

The number of posters here who have kids of homeschooling age is probably the same who have kids of public school age.


And, the entire thread is about young people.


Plenty of grandparents have input into their grandchildren's schooling; in fact, grandparents today are often doing the actual work of parenting due to their adult children's drug use or other issues.

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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

@Love to Run Sadly facts no longer matter

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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

The OP of this thread spoke about a kid who'd been stabbed, another beat down and one who's missing.  She simply asked to pray for these families.


It seems like some always want to take an issue down a road so they can talk down to others.

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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

Bullying and bigotry and hate crimes and mass shootings in schools are happening because that behavior is being modeled and promoted by public figures who should not be doing that, and by parents. And by the solve everything with a gun mentality that permeates this country, and the gun culture that does the same thing.


Reversing that is part of the answer, not home schooling. Home schooling is also 'indoctrinating" kids too. 


One of my jobs involves interactions every time I'm there with many kids and teenagers. Most of them are polite and well behaved. It's the parents I have to deal with that cause me the most angst.


Stage mothers, adults who have no reading comprehension for emails, parents who are rude over the phone for no reason whatsoever other than the fact that their lives are over scheduled. All of that and more. There are some very polite and great parents too. Generalizations are easy to make but not accurate.

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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

@BoopOMatic wrote:

Homeschool your kids and keep them away from the crazy.

 The agendas pushed in public school, the bullying, and everything that you want to keep your children away from.

 Public school isn't like it was even a few decades ago.

 Homeschool your kids and they will be, at the very least, safe and unindoctrinated.

 Lots of homeschool groups around nowadays and other options for socialization, so that objection to homeschooling holds no water at all.

 Plenty of good homeschool curriculums that include the history of the US without all this incorrect political stuff inserted. It's definitely the way to go.

@BoopOMatic If you want to indoctrinate your kids with revisionist history, pseudoscience, and narrow-mindedness homeschooling is definitely the way to go.

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Re: What's going on with our young people ?

@cheriere wrote:



We were having a conversation and I enjoy it.  In fact, I gave hearts to your earlier posts in the thread because I agreed with them.


I think you'd be surprised by how much were in line when it comes to this topic too.  I don't agree with the easy availability of these weapons.  I just don't believe the problems start because they're available, but rather provide an easier more instant way in which to exact retribution stemming from overwhelming anger.


I know far fewer people would die if they were not available.  I just think there is also a problem of intense hatred and anger toward our fellow human beings that never existed so openly before.  


Sadly, much of this is perpetuated by news outlets and supposed role models and prominent figures.  

This is viewed by and trickles down to our kids.  I'm not sure what measures are going to have to be taken in order for us to come back from this as a society.

ITA, there's such anger and no respect toward others shown by kids today.  Frankly I'm tired of weapons--more specifically guns--being blamed for all of our societal woes. My dad and brother were "gun freaks" and I grew up with guns in the house and no one was ever harmed by one. I don't own one now and prob never will but don't view the gun as the problem.