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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

[ Edited ]

On the porch today:


F42237 - Lug Classic VL Crossbody - Piccolo (white)


I got it NEW at a terrific price through Ebay...$55!


LOVE this bag!!! So glad I'm on waitlist for the black one...

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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

Not one thing.  

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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

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Hi, Sooner,


   My amaryllis, after blooming for weeks on the back porch, has finally wilted.  So the amaryllis is no longer on the porch. 


I have family visiting fairly soon, and a Omaha Steak parcel was on the front porch today.  I used to be a vegetarian but now I sometimes eat meat, and I just wanted to be considerate of my carnivore brothers. 


After 13 years of eating veggies, I was allergic to a number of crucial vegetarian foods, including tofu and beans and lentils. So I do eat animal proteins once in a while, and I am healthier.

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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

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Sounds like my house, kitcat51!  I had an oppossum on the porch for quite a while.  I opened the screen door a crack for it to come and go, but found myself a few days later with additional critters: an owl (sitting and staring down from the fan), two blue jays yelling at each other, and a sane bird-couple, who got out quickly when I opened the door wide. 


The jays seemed to be happy yelling at each other and didn't see the way out for hours, but the owl sat on the fan for a week or so before it left.


If I ever do move back to Mass from FL, I will miss the fauna.  I had a land crab for years, who had somehow gotten into the house and was eating my cat's food in the kitchen.  I persuaded it into a paper bag (noisy!) and put it outside on the grass, but it liked the yard, and I saw "Harvey" for years, moving sideways.  I had a guest iguana in my garage for a week, and tried to feed it iguana treats--fruit--but it would not break bread (or fruit) with an alien species. 


It was five feet long when it was my house guest, and bright green--a young iguana.  I did ask an animal expert to put it outside, and (now grey, with a beard they get in old age) it has lived long and prospered in my yard.  Most of my neighbors consider iguanas a nuisance, but I like them. They are family oriented, temperate (they eat veggies only) and not in one's face--they are shy.  The animal expert told me "You never have one iguana, they live in large families."

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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

Nothing, I purchase very little on line

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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

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Ordered some candles - decent sale price and free shipping saved me another $11.

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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

This is a fun topic!  My glasses came and I like them!  And they stack!!!!!

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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Sooner.  Are delivery people even working today?

@Kachina624 Yep!  Fex Ex came to pick up the package, stood out there and took pictures of the package and said he didn't like the label APPLE sent, and left!  Had to go to the Fed Ex store--no problem with package there.


Amazon came bearing glasses and eye wash!

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Re: What's On the Porch or In The Cart Today?

Radiate campfire so we can make S'mores with our grandkids.