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Re: What is your favorite season of the year?

I vote for Summer. Our other three seasons are just too cold. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What is your favorite season of the year?

Still summer!


I don't like the fall colors, it reminds me of back to school.  So orange and yellow leaves don't do a thing for me.  


I LOVE when the grandkids are off for the summer.  


I loved it when my own kids had off for the summer.  


We got to sleep late!


It was ridiculously hot here today.  The bay was too warm to enjoy and even the ocean was 'lazy' and not a breath of air.  


But I still walked over 20,000 steps today because yesterday I was a very bad girl at a beef and beer!!  (and i don't eat beef or drink beer!)

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Registered: ‎12-29-2010

Re: What is your favorite season of the year?



I abhor Winter, Spring is too raining and Summer is too humid--though I prefer Summer to Winter

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: What is your favorite season of the year?

Thank you everyone I enjoyed all your posts so interesting.
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎05-06-2015

Re: What is your favorite season of the year?


My favorite season runs from Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas.

Technically that would be Fall but I consider the Holiday Season.