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Re: What is this Animal? TIA

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says:  "Sloths live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. With their long arms and shaggy fur, they resemble monkeys, but they are actually related to armadillos and anteaters."

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Re: What is this Animal? TIA

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@SportyShorty07 wrote:

I love sloths! They're so cute and they always look like they're smiling Smiley Very HappyHeart



Hey, @SportyShorty07    


I can see it now! 

  They DO look like they're smiling!. LOL



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Re: What is this Animal? TIA

@JoyFilled Warrior  That's such a cute sloth photo! Look at that big sloth smile Smiley Very HappyHeart  Here are some happy baby sloths hanging out in a  bucket! 

These smiling baby sloths will cheer you up

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Re: What is this Animal? TIA

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hmm.    Woman Very Happy   I think these "sloths" are kinda growing on me.  Woman Wink  heh



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Re: What is this Animal? TIA

They have a complete ecosystem, with moss and insects, living in the hair on their backs...they look green. That helps camouflage them from predators.


Top 10 facts about Sloths | WWF

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Re: What is this Animal? TIA


~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: What is this Animal? TIA

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@Puggywuggy wrote:

@JoyFilled Warrior   They also come in gray tones and interestingly enough,  I have read that they can appear to have 

a green cast from some of the plants they eat. This also serves as a camouflage while in the trees. 

Just would you teach your young 'uns to eat your greens because it will camouflage you from the bad guys out there? 'Now eat your greens before you go out to play.'


ETA I mean, after all, they can't talk.

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Re: What is this Animal? TIA

He/she sure is cute @JoyFilled Warrior 

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Re: What is this Animal? TIA

@JoyFilled Warrior  - it is a 3-toed sloth

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Registered: ‎09-02-2022

Re: What is this Animal? TIA

WOW!   Thanks!

This thread  happened to become a kewl, & informative thread,  incl knowledge & pic of a GREEN SLOTH!  heh

