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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?


@Sage04 wrote:

@depglass wrote:

Aren't you the one that was unhappy about moving?  Can't you rent for a couple months or even stay at a motel?  I can't think of anything more important.  We have friends who spent one year looking and finally agreed to one because of pressure from their kids.  It turned out that house backed up to a gravel pit and they spend nine months a year listening to those trucks loading up at 4:00 in the morning.  


Edit:  I would have had a few choice words for my realtor.


@depglass  it seems as if that's what @BoopOMatic  and her DH have been doing. I think she said they are usually gone for years so buying is a lot better than paying rent.


  I was actually trying to figure out a way to get back to the last place that I loved so much (to use as a home base, instead of here)  but I think I'm going to have to suck it up and wait til some unnamed time in the future to get back there. It's hard because I loved it so much...


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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?

My parents bought their home here in NM unseen.  It was a brand new home they bought from the custom builder.  They saw a gazillion pictures and had walls measured to make certain furniture would fit.  When they arrived and saw the house, it was love at first sight.  It was perfect for them.  Dad and I cried when he sold it after mom died.  I still drive by it occasionally and am very sad.

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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?

@BoopOMatic  hello. We did come down to see the house, and have been living here for almost 5 months now. There are some things he that I would have done differently, but we love it here. Happy to answer any questions you might have

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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?

@kittyloo  Thanks for the update, glad it worked out for you! I really just wanted to know the end of the story.


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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?

@BoopOMatic wrote:


@Sage04 wrote:

@depglass wrote:

Aren't you the one that was unhappy about moving?  Can't you rent for a couple months or even stay at a motel?  I can't think of anything more important.  We have friends who spent one year looking and finally agreed to one because of pressure from their kids.  It turned out that house backed up to a gravel pit and they spend nine months a year listening to those trucks loading up at 4:00 in the morning.  


Edit:  I would have had a few choice words for my realtor.


@depglass  it seems as if that's what @BoopOMatic  and her DH have been doing. I think she said they are usually gone for years so buying is a lot better than paying rent.


  I was actually trying to figure out a way to get back to the last place that I loved so much (to use as a home base, instead of here)  but I think I'm going to have to suck it up and wait til some unnamed time in the future to get back there. It's hard because I loved it so much...


@BoopOMatic I am sorry you are in this situation.  If it is any comfort, I think the great majority of folks aren't really where they would love to be.  I sure am not.  But it isn't a choice I really have.


So I think most of us to be happy do, as I said recently, bloom where you are planted.  You may find friends somewhere else or groups or activities or opportunities that you never would have had elsewhere.


You may find a neighborhood you love, your dream home, or simply time with your husband that will make it all worthwhile and a beautiful time to remember.  That's what I hope for you if you decide to live there. 

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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?


@pupwhipped wrote:

Who knows? She had 102 responses to her initial post with people later asking for an update. She never responded whatsoever. Woman Frustrated

in my defense, it was a grueling 6 day trek here, and several weeks before we could get internet connected to the house. post got buried.

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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?

I'm probably not going.

I'm tired of the emotional drain of getting attached and acclimated to a place then having to turn around and leave it.

When we got back here and I realized we were GONE from there, I was so depressed; I was SOBBING - and I never cry.

I am so tired of it.

I suggested to Mr. Boop that we could just go back there where we both love it so much; he could either take early retirement or we could make a go of it with a different job than he has now.

He won't do it; he says we don't have enough $ to retire - but how much do you need? We are both very frugal!

I've always supported his career and I still do; if he wants to go out there and start this new job then I wouldn't try to stand in his way, I've always supported him in that.

Yes it's important to be together but why is the onus always on me?

I have followed and followed.

He is the one who is leaving.

I already told him I'm probably not going, so if he chooses to still go oh well I guess I'll suck it up and deal like I've been doing for the past 18 years.


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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?

Color me confused, @BoopOMatic.  Can you afford to get your own place in the last town?  



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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?

We lived in Texas but I wanted a better place for us to retire.


The Texas market exploded in March 2021. We sold the house in a few hours.


We had decided to buy near one of our favorite vacation spots. I contacted a realtor. She sent lots of pictures. We picked 6 to see at our first appointment.


Boy were we disappointed. The houses looked very different in person. We were very disgusted and said let's go back to the drawing board.


She said "I have one more for you. The house has just  come on the market".  We were the first to see it. 

We opened the front door and it was love at first sight. We bought the house the next morning. We love it and the area more everyday. 

Pictures are OK for the interior of a house but seeing the neighborhood is so important. 



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Re: What happened w/the lady who was buying a house sight-unseen?

[ Edited ]

@tansy wrote:

Color me confused, @BoopOMatic.  Can you afford to get your own place in the last town?  



Yes, we could.

IDK why we even came back here. I tried to tell him we should just stay put but I don't think he was thinking right. We could've just stayed where we were. That's what I wanted to do, but rather than make a federal case out of it, I just went along with him, that's one reason I was so upset when we got back here.

 We were renting and he said he didn't want to pay rent when we have a home here that is ours and paid for.

 We were renting because we weren't for sure how long the project would last.

 We could go back there now and buy a place.

 He doesn't have a job there now but I'm sure he could find something if he wanted to. He has never worked locally since we've been married and that's 18 years!

 His job pays very well, but we don't spend a lot of money, we could make a go of it in the last place if he would commit to it.

 In any event, there's nothing I can do...

 I'm trying to think logically; this is a nice town, it's not like we live in an awful area. People are nice and there is very little crime, etc. So if I don't get to live in the last place I will have to make do I'm not depressed or crying anymore. I just don't want to get that upset again especially when we really didn't have to come back here, it was all for nothing.


 Congratulations to anyone who can follow this.