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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

SO many things but that's part of the joy of being a child; blissful ignorance. I wish it was still that way now; at least my children had that innocence preserved. Being an adult is tough enough, a child doesn't need those burdens as well.

*Four Seasons once again*
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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

I actually believed that a bear lived our house.   Yes a real bear.  I was about 5 and my brother was 8.  We lived in an older home.  He thought it was fun to growl into the floor registers so that it echoed through the house.  My dad caught him and that ended fast.  Fast forward....this has become a lifelong joke.  Every Christmas I get something bear related...stuffed animals, wall plaques, cards, mugs, tee shirts.  It goes on and on.....At least I can laugh about it now.  🐻

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

@Mombo1 wrote:

I actually believed that a bear lived our house.   Yes a real bear.  I was about 5 and my brother was 8.  We lived in an older home.  He thought it was fun to growl into the floor registers so that it echoed through the house.  My dad caught him and that ended fast.  Fast forward....this has become a lifelong joke.  Every Christmas I get something bear related...stuffed animals, wall plaques, cards, mugs, tee shirts.  It goes on and on.....At least I can laugh about it now.  🐻

@Mombo1, Great story!!!

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

[ Edited ]

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

That those in positions of influence were telling the truth.

Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.....Unfortunately some adults still think that way.


ETA:  I'm sure I believed a lot of silly things too but I don't really remember.  I do remember being so afraid for some strange reason of the beginning of the show "Superman" that I couldn't go in the room if the TV was on and it was starting.  I have no idea why!

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

[ Edited ]

My family owned a meat market that slaughtered their own beef.  In addition to purchasing cattlle from an auction, he would buy individual animals (from farmers) and transport them himself in a very old rattletrap truck with a wooden box on the back.  He'd stop home for coffee and we'd always ask if we could open the small door near the cow's head to look at it.  Often it was no, as some animals were sold due to ill temper or they had gored a farmer. 


I always believed that if I wore red and an animal got loose, it would chase me.  I only started wearing red again in college. My mother could never figure out why I didn't like red dresses or clothing. 

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

@Linda0215 wrote:

I was convinced that the sewing needles (dragonfly's) would sew up my lips if I got too close to them. Needless to say, I was terrified of them. Still am. 

@Linda0215   LOL  Yes, I was told the same thing.  Today, thought, I am not afraid of them at all.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

That if I kissed a boy, I would get pregnant 

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

That if I swallowed a watermelon seed by mistake, a watermelon would grow inside my stomach.  So I ate watermelon with a fork to flick out every last sneaky seed. 



My mother eventually realized why I was eating it that way, and successfully dispelled that myth. 

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

That a little baby is born from a cabbage head.


At seven was on the phone one night with one of my friends.   In a fearful voice she told me she was alone and someone had enterered the house.  I tried to convince her to hang up and run but she started screaming and told me the person was getting closer and closer.  I got so upset and yelled for my Mom to help.  That is when the friend started laughing.  We both are now 76, live in different states, but always laugh about the night she scared me silly!

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

That if I swallowed a watermelon seed by mistake, a watermelon would grow inside my stomach.  So I ate watermelon with a fork to flick out every last sneaky seed. 



My mother eventually realized why I was eating it that way, and successfully dispelled that myth. 

@Caaareful Shopper, LOL, I am glad to see someone else had this belief. I was too embarrassed to reveal it. My belief was worse though. I believed that pregnant women had been careless with their watermelon eating and I felt so sorry for them.Woman Embarassed