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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

I get on my kids about this all the time.  Don't go on someone else's property if you don't have permission. My kids are very good about it.  They will only go on one neighbors property because she allows them to fish in the creek behind her house.  Other than that they stay off.


There is a neighbor boy though that is constantly running through other peoples yards, turning his bike in other people's driveways.  When I'm around I tell him to get out of their yards.  His response tends to be "Oh they know me"  That doesn't mean these people want you in their yards.  Especially when these are senior citizens who are particular about their yards.  His father is a police officer so I would expect him to be more respectful but no he drives us crazy.

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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

Parents have to teach there children to respect other peoples property. We had some problems with teenagers sitting on cars not parked in the driveway. It became a hang out for them. We had to call the police a few times to chase them away but, they would come right back like nothing happened. One night they brought a boom box with them and then we called the police. For some reason they never came back again. And we never had that trouble again.Because they grew up and moved away. Our homes are fenced so me do not have any ones children on our lawns. I brought up my children to respect other peoples property so they never did that growing up, and we did not either we were brought up right!

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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

@haddon9 . I think that you are a good neighbor watching out for them like that, I would probably just mention it in passing to them when they are back, maybe they don't mind or maybe they do...Our neighbor boy just told my granddaughters that when he goes into the house all kids are to leave his yard, so in other words if they aren't outside, then no one else is allowed in their yard. I, of course was sitting outside watching them when I heard this, so of course he went inside to use the restroom and said ok you have to go in your own yard now....LOL! Probably a good thing to teach children these days!

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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

Our hoop was in the driveway which of course was the front yard.  Trampoline and badminton set in the back yard with a fence all around.  Mom wanted all the kids to come to our home to play which is why she bought all she could even a pool table for the living room.  The children in the neighborhood knew the hoop and front yard was fine, but inside the fence or the home was not.  All understood upfront and informed due to our relationship with the families.  I would just check with her when she returns since you do not know the conversations that have taken place in the home.

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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

A good neighbor will let you know if something questionable is happening at your home while you're away.

I would think less of my neighbor who saw children in my driveway and didn't call me to let me know.

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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

Have them handle it.  Not sure if they approve or disapprove.  Wondering if their property has been played on before with them home.  Might be playing with permission or habit.  


I never invade property in any direction around me.  Just not comfy doing it. I even am careful when I trim bushes or mow grass.  Never know.  We do have a neighbor who lives "way back" off the road and they are actually hostile if anyone dares step one foot over their property.  They have posted signs everywhere.  They do live about a 1/8 mile away but are part of our community except they are rather "not nice."



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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

Call me what ever you want...I do not want the neighbor kids playing in my yard...we all have yards, play in the yard that your parents own,  or your friends parents own.  It's very simple...and parents should teach their kids to stay off other's people's yards.


I have seen my neighbor let their dog pee in the area round my mail box..I have plants growing there...I caught the person and told them to not to let their dog do that again....ridiculous, I should not have to tell an adult's common sense, but I think there is very little of that today.

@Mom2Dogs Respect.  There is no respect.

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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

Maybe mention it to them in passing...especially if you are close.  I wouldn’t let mine play at a neighbors when they weren’t  home.  I was never allowed to do that when I was growing up, we had our yard, the street and any kid that was home’s yard, why would we need to play at someone’s house when no one is home. Before you know it someone’s window is broken, or lamp post etc.  just not necessary.

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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

Nope. Nope.


I came home one day to a note on my door from the police. The kids came into my fenced backyard and were playing with my dog. She nipped one and it was a big ordeal.


IMO, kids should play in their own yards, unless they have permission.





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Re: What do you think of kids playing on someone's property who's away?

Kids of all generations have been known to push the boundaries, pun intended. Adults are no immune from such acts either. Of course, we don't know that that is the case here.


Whatever is the case, I don't see it as a blaring indictment of a particular generation.



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