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Registered: ‎08-01-2019

This is a nightmare for me. One of my BF's granddaughers (9 year old) consistently lies and cheats; and has been known to llift things from our house.   We never, ever take them to places outside the home if we are babysitting..........I would be furious if this kid stole something from a store while in my care. 


We don't babysit much any longer due to our age and I'm greatful for that.  Her parents have taken her cell phone away from her as she was caught conversing w/a 40 year old online who wanted photos of her and passwords. 

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turn them into authorities 



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@cindyNC wrote:

This is a nightmare for me. One of my BF's granddaughers (9 year old) consistently lies and cheats; and has been known to llift things from our house.   We never, ever take them to places outside the home if we are babysitting..........I would be furious if this kid stole something from a store while in my care. 


We don't babysit much any longer due to our age and I'm greatful for that.  Her parents have taken her cell phone away from her as she was caught conversing w/a 40 year old online who wanted photos of her and passwords. 

9 years old??!! - *Sigh* Smiley Sad

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Posts: 42,235
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

@cindyNC wrote:

This is a nightmare for me. One of my BF's granddaughers (9 year old) consistently lies and cheats; and has been known to llift things from our house.   We never, ever take them to places outside the home if we are babysitting..........I would be furious if this kid stole something from a store while in my care. 


We don't babysit much any longer due to our age and I'm greatful for that.  Her parents have taken her cell phone away from her as she was caught conversing w/a 40 year old online who wanted photos of her and passwords. 




If you don't mind me asking .... where are her PARENTS?




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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Sounds like bad or no parenting to me. Kids should be taught at a young age right from wrong, but sadly many are taught nothing by parents these days. 

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Posts: 2,103
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."


One lie usually leads to another, and another, and another......

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,545
Registered: ‎08-01-2019

@Tinkrbl44  You asked where her parents are? 


It's a chaotic, highly dysfunctional household.  I believe the father has a personality disorder and probably ADHD which was inherited by two of the four children.  Poor decision making, wild spending habits, changes jobs frequently, looking for the next get rich quick scheme..  The family lives on the edge. 


Trying to help them does not make a difference if the parent can't or won't change.