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Re: What Traits Are Important To You In A Partner

A few years back, I was looking at some of these really successful men. (In my case).  Now, while they might not have caught my eye when I was younger, I see how that can fool people. Do look and take some time to get to know the person. You can't tell a book by its cover. Honesty, trustworthy, hard worker, fun, good sense of humor and having things in common are important. How they interact with people is important too. Having the same beliefs is very good too. JMHO.

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Re: What Traits Are Important To You In A Partner

@tansy wrote:

@gmkb wrote:

I would advise a young woman looking for a good husband that a man who likes his mother and has a good sense of humor (able to laugh at himself) are important.  

I agree with all the qualities mentioned by the other posters.

What about men with difficult mothers?  Sometimes a person is emotionally healthier to break away.

I was thinking about his mom too. She had a great sense of humor, both his parents taught him good lesson for life. Neither one of us is perfect, but she was a great MIL.

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Re: What Traits Are Important To You In A Partner

This made me think about my husband’s qualities that I find important – hard-working, loyal, trustworthy, compassionate and clean living.  I’m an introvert and he’s an extrovert which I like because he brings balance to my life.  Sometimes differences can be strengths when working together as a team.  My husband is stronger in certain areas and vice-versa so we complement each other.

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Re: What Traits Are Important To You In A Partner

Masculinity with gentleness and honesty.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What Traits Are Important To You In A Partner

@cotton4me wrote:

This made me think about my husband’s qualities that I find important – hard-working, loyal, trustworthy, compassionate and clean living.  I’m an introvert and he’s an extrovert which I like because he brings balance to my life.  Sometimes differences can be strengths when working together as a team.  My husband is stronger in certain areas and vice-versa so we complement each other.

This is the case with us also.