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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015? do the best I can with what I got and hope for the best.

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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

One thing I've learned is to avoid the fighting on these forums. (I may pop some corn and join the deer in watching the show, but I'm gonna try to keep my mouth shut!, my fingers still...) I don't want to write anything anonymously that would cause my embarrassment or another's sadness if said to someone's face.

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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

Nothing, I already knew everything!

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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

My biggest thing, is what a worry wort I am. Come by it naturally!! I even did a book and drew balloon pictures. Inside I wrote each worry. By the time my concern was over, I went back and looked through each worry in my book. All for nothing. I can do ok sometimes and not worry, and that really let me see it was all wasted energy. I tore the page out of the book and threw the paper in the recycle bag. I need to do that more!!! I do nothing to promote good health when I worry! It's such a useless emotion to hang on to.


Hope those of you who also seem to worry like I do, good luck, it's a bad habit to get in to.

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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

The most surprising thing I learned was that I am so very happy without a man in my life. I've been widowed since 2008 and always assumed I would wind up with another permanent relationship. In the seven years I've been testing the waters, none have been "it" and I finally realized this year it has nothing to do with "them." It's me, I just really don't want one. That was a moment of enlightenment for me, and freedom from the pursuit.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

@MaggieMack wrote:

The most surprising thing I learned was that I am so very happy without a man in my life. I've been widowed since 2008 and always assumed I would wind up with another permanent relationship. In the seven years I've been testing the waters, none have been "it" and I finally realized this year it has nothing to do with "them." It's me, I just really don't want one. That was a moment of enlightenment for me, and freedom from the pursuit.


Good for you!    That is such a strong and self-full attitude!   We have to be comfortable with ourselves alone before we can be with someone, especially after your years with your dear husband.   I am in the frame of mind that I'm not looking.   If in the course of my life I meet a nice guy, great, but I'm not actively or desperately looking for him.

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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

The BIGGEST, which was also the SADDEST thing I learned in 2015?  I trusted one of my friends way too much and it sadly cost me dearly.





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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

Drinking while driving is bad when you have to pee while you're stuck in traffic on the freeway.

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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

@brewhaha wrote:

Drinking while driving is bad when you have to pee while you're stuck in traffic on the freeway.

That's what the empty vessel is for.

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Re: What Things Did You Learn in 2015?

[ Edited ]

@MaggieMack wrote:

The most surprising thing I learned was that I am so very happy without a man in my life. I've been widowed since 2008 and always assumed I would wind up with another permanent relationship. In the seven years I've been testing the waters, none have been "it" and I finally realized this year it has nothing to do with "them." It's me, I just really don't want one. That was a moment of enlightenment for me, and freedom from the pursuit.


@MaggieMack  I prefer my dogs. They are loyal, respectful, faithful, love you unconditionally, don't yell, don't lie and are cuddly.


Isn't the dating scene fun? lol