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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?


Same as you — ridiculously high prices for internet/tv/phone.


For reasons I won’t bore everyone with, my neighborhood’s water bill is outrageous.  If we use NO water at all, the bill is $199 for two months.

My water bill has a base charge of $36 per quarter, which is always billed.  On top of that, there's a consumption charged based on usage.  I've thought our $36 base charge was high, but not compared to yours.  At different times, I've looked for comparative stats on water prices throughout the country, but haven't found any.  It would be nice to know!

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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?

The cable bill is awful.  I keep saying I will cut the cord.  Property taxes are high too.  On a smaller scale, my grocery has raised prices and it's noticeable.  

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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?

Commuting/parking/EZ Pass tolls going up and up.



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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?

For us its health care at eleven hundred per month.We have a high deductible too so we mostly pay for our visits out of pocket....we don't see the doc often thankfully.

I also think our bundled cable at two hundred per month is crazy.

Our property taxes are nine thousand this year.We are planning to move to cut that cost.

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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?



Same as you — ridiculously high prices for internet/tv/phone.


For reasons I won’t bore everyone with, my neighborhood’s water bill is outrageous.  If we use NO water at all, the bill is $199 for two months.

My water bill has a base charge of $36 per quarter, which is always billed.  On top of that, there's a consumption charged based on usage.  I've thought our $36 base charge was high, but not compared to yours.  At different times, I've looked for comparative stats on water prices throughout the country, but haven't found any.  It would be nice to know!

@ValuSkr  My neighborhood is gouged because of a deal the city made with the builder during the permit process. We cannot vote in the city’s elections so the politicians do not fear us.   If we move again, I’ll ask to see the utility bills.

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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?

[ Edited ]

   Property taxes!!  

   Home ownership where I live in the northeast is way to high!! It’s causing a lot of young people to move out of state. Property taxes are constantly going up as is the price of real estate.

  We bought our home new almost 30 years ago.It’s long been paid off.We could not afford to buy it today without going into major debt.

   Most of my friends adult children have left. They’ve moved  south where home ownership & propery taxes are a fraction of what they would be here.As a result their paychecks go farther & their quality of life is higher.


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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?


@Sooner  I think a big shock for me is how expensive ,the little over the counter ,day to day, drug items cost


I have to take 2 nexuim a day, a package of 42 is $27 that gives me about  3 weeks. I take zantac 2 times a day, but ,thankfully, I get a scrip that covers them, and tums aren't cheap either. MY insurance will cover prilosec ,which doesn't work for me, but not nexium, which does


I have been using this stuff for over a year now. I still have  buy thryoid meds which is covered, but with a big copay, metformin, which is reasonable, test strips which are covered providing you don't use more than 2  a day.  Blood pressure meds which are covered. These aren't things I can do without.  I feel the pinch, I can only  wonder how people on a tight budget manage


I don't know how people with a small income manage this stuff. If you have to buy things like this, it would just eat up all of your income , for people with slim means


The cost of getting sick is really awful. I know all kinds of people taking over the counter meds, not just me


Yes! This is so true! The fact that some money guys at the insurance company have any input in which drugs are approved by insurance drives me crazy. Yes, two medications may treat the same thing, but that doesn't mean they work the same way for everyone. As you've said, one works, the other doesn't. Sometimes one works and the other works but comes with terrible side effects. The money guys should not be involved in our medication choices.

@cherry, here's one thing I've done to bring my costs down. Amazon offers a Subscribe and Save service where you order items that come on monthly delivery. If you get 5 items or more a month, you save 15% on every item. I don't know if this is for Prime members only or not. I have several of my over-the-counter medications come through Subscribe and Save, along with things like deodorant, cleaning items - the kinds of things I know I need on a regular basis. (I have it deliver my toothbrushes, Clarisonic, and water filters every 3 months so that I replace them all on time. If they show up, I replace them and never have to check the calendar.) The only reason I signed up for it was for the savings on the prescription meds.

Between Amazon pricing and the 15% discount for ordering 5 items at a time, I'm saving over $21 a month on one OTC medication alone. I can't say enough good things about it.

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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?

@Alison Wonderland  thank you, I am a prime member. I am paying nearly $500 a year for nexium  alone

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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?


For us its health care at eleven hundred per month.We have a high deductible too so we mostly pay for our visits out of pocket....we don't see the doc often thankfully.

I also think our bundled cable at two hundred per month is crazy.

Our property taxes are nine thousand this year.We are planning to move to cut that cost.

We were paying almost 1200/mo health insurance on COBRA which was crazy but the benefits were great. When we went on Obamacare premium went unbelievably down but meds shot up. We can’t wait til Medicare. 9000/mo property taxes got my attention. My property taxes this year were $1600. Just received cable/internet bill this morning via email increased to $181. Last Cox raised the price we walked in and asked how we could lower the bill because we were retired and they dropped it $50. Time to go back.

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Re: What Normal Expenses Do You Have That Seem Most Out-of-Line?

I wouldn't call them out of line or burden; they are legitimate expenses and they are what they are.  We pay a lot for cable/cell phones/internet.  I think cars cost a lot more than they are really worth too.  I had intended to trade in my 5 year old car this spring and I've been looking around and I was overcome by stick shock.  I'm not car lover, a car is only transportation for me so I'm not anxious to go back to having a car note again.