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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

my babies........both big (kids) and small (grandkids)..............................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

Funny stories of stuff my sons did when they were teenagers that I didn't know about at the time. Probably was better off not knowing so now we can laugh about it. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Having grown up with 4 brothers, the stories are basically reruns or updated variations of adventures my brothers had. You know..the usual: cop chases, pranks, skipping classes, etc.


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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

Snowy days -- home from school, looking out of windows, sipping cocoa, not having to do homework and just waiting until my mom said we could go outside to sled (when all we really did was have a snowball fight)!

Didn't seem like the cold affected me so much then! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}


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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

On 2/11/2014 SoX said:

My son adopted a Katrina orphan ... a yellow lab. When we arrived for a visit, I had to retrieve the house key from the backyard, under a flowerpot on the window sill (son was at work). "Oh, by the way, the dog is in the yard." Uh-oh ...

Since the dog was busy digging holes on the other side of the house, I slowly raised the pot, grabbed the key, got out of the yard without him noticing. Once inside, I opened the backdoor ... he came running (be still my heart), stood up on his hind legs and planted the biggest kiss smack dab on my lips!

I'm betting this will be my favorite post of the entire day!

~Dogs are my favorite people and my favorite people are dogs.~
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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

Holding a baby in my arms (children and grandchildren) and singing them to sleep. Many times I just held them through their whole nap time....especially the grandchildren as I had more time.

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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

When I really have time and am daydreaming--I go back to 1975 on the day I met my DH..I "relive" that evening and all I can remember about it..then it goes on from there..our wedding day, our kids being born..I try and get everything I can up into my memory. It ends with my new grandson and I think--gosh, we were just two kids ourselves back then (18 & 22), really--and look how far we've come! It usually ends with me crying and being so thankful & happy!!

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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

Our wedding on February 14, 2002

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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

When my dad came home from Kuwait it was very late at night and he started banging some pots together to wake us all up and then he piled us in the car to go get donuts at Krispy Kreme. He got so excited when he saw that the ""hot sign"" was on. That became a family tradition.

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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

On 2/12/2014 hckynut said:

What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

Our wedding on February 14, 2002

Happy Anniversary Cindy and John.... a little early. Hope you are both doing better. Sounds like you are true valentines {#emotions_dlg.wub} Enjoy!

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Re: What Memory Do You Bring to Mind When You Want to Smile & Feel Good?

So many here's a few

Christmas morning as a child

My wedding Day

The Day I gave birth
