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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

@J Town Girl wrote:

For my dad it was Old Spice aftershave.  That was the only scent that he ever wore.  To this day, I still enjoy the scent of it and the memories it brings back of my dad.


My dad loved to fish so each Christmas I would buy him a new fishing lure.  When he would catch a fish with that lure he always would tell me it was the lure that brought him the good luck.


My mom always wore earrings.  She never had pierced ears so all of her earrings were just clip-ons.   My dad would take me shopping and I would buy my mom a pair of costume jewelry earrings which in those days weren't too expensive.    She always acted like they were made of the finest gold or gemstones.  


When we would go to Mass and my mom would wear the pair that I bought her I was always so happy.    


I remember going through her jewelry box after she passed away and seeing all of those earrings amd remembering the times she wore them made me feel both sad and happy at the same time.

My mother still wears screw on earrings!  Clip ons bother her.  She still finds them when out and about.  I have no idea where!

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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

I remember getting presents as a kid, but don't remember buying or giving them.

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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

Usually something I found in the basement, and "refurbished".........

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

I would buy my Mom jewelry, clothes, slippers, etc., my Dad wanted cash.

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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

Can't recall, but I seem to remember boxed Avon soaps under the tree.

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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

For whatever reason, I can't remember what I gave my dad. For my mom, she usually got a bottle of Evening in Paris perfume. I do remember, though, one year I got her a trio of little bottle brush type Christmas trees (about 2 inches high) and then blurted out that information in front of her. She pretended that she never heard me spoil the surprise

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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

[ Edited ]

My sister and I would save our allowances, 50 cents a week for months and in early December went to the mall.  We would pend $2 each on our parents and two siblings each.  I remember one year we got my mom a pitcher and glass set.  It was turquoise.  It was from GC Murphys. My sister still has the pitcher, many great memories.  We also shopped it in the Santa store at the department store (employees would supervise, no parents allowed). One gift I remember getting my dad was a hammer with screwdriver sizes in the handle, we were so proud.  Great memories of Christmas from the 60’s

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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

@catter70 Evening In Paris! YES!!

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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

[ Edited ]

Fun question---


Some of the presents I gave as a KID---over the years I remember:



A pair of socks



Potholders I made with one of those kits I had


Evening In Paris perfume---


An Apron


A "crystal" candy dish from the Five & Ten Store.....


One funny thing I remember my brother always bought my mom a pack of cigarettes for any gift Christmas, Birthdays.....way back then no restrictions on age for purchase of tobacco products.....I dont smoke and neither do any of my siblings, but WOW seeing the price of a pack of cigarettes now at the grocery store blows my mind....

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Re: What Christmas presents did you buy for your parents when you were a kid?

Dad would always get a holiday gift set of Old Spice shaving products and Mom would always get a bottle of Evening in Paris cologne.  I don't think Mom ever wore the cologne!


I also remember getting my grandmother Cachet perfume and my grandfather a tin of loose tobacco because he rolled his own cigarettes.  I don't remember the brand name of that tobacco but I do remember it was a red tin.