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What Are You Reading --- April 2014

This book thread is started on the first of each month.

Some suggestions for posting here:

~ underline, bold or CAPITALIZE the name of the book you're reading - it makes it easier for us readers to see what it is

~ include the author of the book - there are so many books with the same title (if you are recommending a book we want to make sure we read the right one)

~ post a few words about the book - would you recommend it {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} or not {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

~ tell us the book genre - is it mystery, romance, historical, biography, etc.

***There is no obligation to do any of the above.Smile

As always, all posters are welcome here!


Well, I have to admit, I totally forgot today was the first of the month!{#emotions_dlg.blushing} I guess I played an April Fool's joke on myself.

I'm still reading Retribution by Jilliane Hoffman. It's the story of a woman who's past comes back to haunt her after 10 years. Interesting so far.

Happy reading all! lainey{#emotions_dlg.wub}

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

I'm reading A Distant Melody, Book 1 in the Wings of Glory series by Sarah Sundin. It's a story of love, courage, and sacrifice during WWII. The characters' love is built by writing letters. It's very good.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

Thanks for all you do, Lainey. Can't believe it's another month already.

Just finished Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks: historical fiction but with a lot of real history and characters from the 1600's in Martha's Vineyard and Cambridge. Caleb was a real Native American (Wampanoag) who was one of the first educated at Harvard. As a lover of Genealogy with ancestors who matriculated there at that time I found the description of the early education process fascinating.

Started The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (aka J.K. Rowlings) this morning. I like to jump around between genres and time periods. This is current day London crime fiction.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

Linders Back, I enjoyed The Cuckoo's Calling, and hope that Strike returns in another book.

On the other hand, I found Caleb's Crossing to be quite tedious: I kept wishing that Caleb's story could be told, but the narrator kept pushing herself to the front.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

Insomniac, there will be a sequel to "THE CUCKOO'S CALLING" coming out in June. It is called "THE SILKWORM". I just finished James Patterson's "NYPD RED" and its sequel, "NYPD RED 2". Both were fast-paced, suspenseful reads. I actually liked the sequel better than the original book, but both were good. Now, I am about to start "THE AUSCHWITZ ESCAPE" by Joel Rosenberg, which has excellent reviews. It is the story of 2 men, one Christian and one Jewish, who plan an escape from the death camp, to tell the world what is really going on. It is a fictional account, based on true stories of people who escaped.
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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

I'm in the middle of The Alpine Yeoman by Mary Daheim. I've read all of the books in this series, but it's starting to pall. This may be the last one of them that I read.

Queued up on my ereader are Destroyer Angel by Nevada Barr and Death Come Quickly by Susan Wittig Albert. I can't wait to dive into them.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

I just started reading ""The Last Winter of Dani Lancing"" by P.D. Viner.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

Reading Marie Lu's Legend. I know it is a young adult book, but hey, I'm a young adult in an old adult's body!

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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

Dawg lover, thanks for the info on the sequel to "The Cuckoo's Calling." I am thrilled!

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Re: What Are You Reading --- April 2014

On 4/2/2014 insomniac said:

Dawg lover, thanks for the info on the sequel to "The Cuckoo's Calling." I am thrilled!

You are very welcome, insomniac. Just a few months away! Hope you enjoy it, when it comes out.