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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

Well stated, @tessam. I couldn't agree more. 
@tessam wrote:

Truthfully I am airing on the side of caution.  Just because a state has reopened salons, restaurants, etc. does not mean it is any more "safe" than it was prior to closing. As states reopen — and many of the states with rising case counts were among the earliest and most eager to resume business as usual — the more their residents start to ease up on social distancing and use of masks. The more people ease up, the more they risk contracting COVID-19.  Little has changed and in fact states that have opened in haste, combined with memorial day celebrations and protests are showing marked increases in infections.  

In fact, the number of Covid-19 hospitalizations since Memorial Day has gone up in at least a dozen states: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas and Utah.That's according to data aggregated by CNN from the Covid Tracking Project from May 25 to June 9.  
Between June 7 and June 14, the seven-day rolling average of positive tests rose from 6.2 percent to 13.5 percent in Alabama, from 12.3 percent to 15.6 percent in Arizona, from 5.6 percent to 19.7 percent in Mississippi and from 6.4 percent to 13.7 percent in South Carolina — a sign that their outbreaks are growing, regardless of testing capacity. Many other states, including Alaska, Nevada, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming, have also registered rising positive-testing rates in recent days.  Its hard for me to feel comfortable sitting in a salon chair given this reality right now.

One might argue the "numbers" are up due to increased testing but that does not change the fact that folks are still getting infected and infecting others.  The virus exists whether it is counted or not.  i live in a state that has opened salons, and restaurants but for now I am staying put.  Yes, I'm dying to get my hair nails done..etc. but right now I will pass.   Just because I am sick with being couped up does not mean that the reason to be cautious has miraculously gone away.  Of course this is my personal decision and analysis of the situation and I would not presume to tell anyone what they should choose.  Whatever choice one makes please take precautions and I hope everyone stays as safe as possible!  All rather surreal but nonetheless a reality that won't change just because we are tired of it.


"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

I trust the physicians in my city who are saying that ICU beds are filling up and patients are needing to be moved to other hospitals where there is an opening. Because hospitals don’t have enough of the rapid tests, results take two days and potentially non-Covid patients take up spaces until their results come back.


We have hundreds of physicians asking the governor to mandate the wearing of masks in public spaces. Our mayor is asking the governor to allow local jurisdictions to make decisions about the safety of their citizens. I’m not hopeful, but maybe other states will look and learn.

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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!


I have relatives that work in hospitals...nothing is to be questioned.  will go no further.

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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

We are retired and used to go out to eat about 2 or 3 times a week.  My husband and I can cook good meals at home so for me it was not about the food as much as getting out and getting dressed and being around people and being waited on and no dishes.  They opened up bars and restaurants in my area (Florida) and have had to close some already because of employees and customers having the virus.  The will clean and open back up and then what happens.  They may have to do that all over again.   I am not ready to risk going out to eat yet.  

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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

@desertrat8  I work for a hospital facility, non-clinical side, and some of the numbers we are briefed on are indeed alarming. Not talking about for the nation, but for my state and particularly my immediate region. This has been within the past three weeks or so--post Memorial Day weekend.


I get the opinion you were going in an opposite direction with your statement so I wanted to point out that every state is not in the same place with this right now. Some are doing extremely poorly.

Whatever gets you through the night; it's alright, it's alright. It's your money or your life; it's alright, it's alright---John Lennon
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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

Our first dining adventure was last week. I expected plastic forks and disposable menus, but everything was the same except no salad bar. We had a choice of three salads prepared in the kitchen and brought to our table. The restaurant had six bar patrons and we were the only ones in the dining room until two other couples came in.

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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

I really don't see this as taking shots at someone else's states, and if this is being done that is most unfortunate!  I do think that stating a fact to support suprise over comfort or non comfort levels is appropriate.  For me, regardless of where one lives I find it surprising that anyone would resume "normal" activities witjhout precautions when the cases of new infections is on the rise whereever they may live. I do not see that as a pot shot but rather a discussion point.   Its a public health issue that impacts all of us.  I also think that we all must find our own comfort level and do what works for us.  My only concern is if someone chooses "reckless" behavior regardless of where they live that directly impacts the well-being of someone else.  Social conciousness comes into play as well.  Stay well folks no matter where you live or what your personal choices may be!!

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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

@desertrat8 wrote:


I have relatives that work in hospitals...nothing is to be questioned.  will go no further.

@desertrat8, okay. But honestly, I have no idea what this means.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

@desertrat8 wrote:


I have relatives that work in hospitals...nothing is to be questioned.  will go no further.

Sorry, but this is so cryptic I have no idea what you're saying.  If you want to make a point, I think you really do need to "go a little further". 

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: We went out for dinner! 3 times!

Here in Wisconsin, most have just opened up for outside dining.....We haven't been yet, still just doing Curbside once or twice a week. Here though masks are required for most places still.Especially for stores..