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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

.   I use to walk my dog alot in our neighborhood till we got cornered about 6 houses down by a pitt bull mix.  (This was before cell phones.).  It took me over 45 minutes to get home.  

    When I started backing up he came behind me to stop me.  If I went right he went right. Luckily my dog was really good. He made no moves towards the dog and would just sit in front of me till I moved again.  

     Finally a neighbor opened her garage door and I was able to get home. By this time I was 2 houses closer. Long story short I never leave home without a really good heavy stick. 

     I had to put Willie down about 10 years ago. I think about that walk a lot and think about how brave he was. He was a mix of beagle and dachsund.  





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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

It's against the law to just let your dogs out the door to run free around here. But once in a while I do see a dog running free. Sometimes they approach me but most of the time they go the other way.


One time a scary-looking dog was walking fast in a b-line in my direction. I thought I was a goner. A woman happened to be driving by at that very moment, she saw that dog and asked me if I needed to get in her car. I said no but thank you as I watched the dog go right on past me. That dog looked very intent on getting to where he was going. He wasn't even interested in me at all...whew!

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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

Congratulations on your walking regimen! Always have your phone with you in case of an emergency. I also wear a very loud whistle on a lanyard around my the very least it will get others' attention so that someone can come to your aid should you need it.
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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

[ Edited ]

@Puggywuggy wrote:
Congratulations on your walking regimen! Always have your phone with you in case of an emergency. I also wear a very loud whistle on a lanyard around my the very least it will get others' attention so that someone can come to your aid should you need it.

Thank you, @Puggywuggy.  I do carry my phone. My reflective harness has a zippered pouch on it that's big enough for it.  I've been looking at Amazon for the ultrasonic deterrent device as well as a personal safety alarm device. 

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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

I think you are wise to carry mace or some sort of protection like even a walking stick if you think it's likely you will be encountering unleashed dogs. DH and I were hoping to do more walking later in the day since we have more daylight now, but we don't worry about dogs now; our homeowners in the neighborhood are very responsible, but the coyotes and bobcats now are not on leashes! 

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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

I walk outside a lot.  Recently there have been two dog attacks in our neighbourhood.  Two pitbulls (visiting a home) bit my neighbour.  She was out walking.  One circled her and the other bit her.  Other friends walking a small poodle were attached by two St. Bernard's who got out of their fenced yard.  Sixteen stitches for the small dog.  I carry a walking stick and an air horn.  I am in a development just outside the city.  Coyotes and bobcats are regular sitings.  I don't worry about coyotes unless there is more than one.

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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

Could you safely use the school's track to walk around in?  Walkers also use malls and I even saw 2 women walking in Sam's.  We go early.


No cars, no other runners, or other walkers.  Go with a friend.  Or, make another choice from another idea.  

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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

@ellaphant wrote:

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

Just iresponsible on the homeowners part...I do not like dogs that are not chained up or on a leash.  Letting them 'just run' out and do their business is ridiculous.  I walk my dog, and several times other dogs have come running toward me...nothing ever happened but you never know.


Frankly I would carry pepper spray, may not be a popular idea but I have no intention of getting bit or having my dog get bit while out on a walk.

How would you like to live on a chain?

How would you like to be knocked down by a large, otherwise friendly, dog who jumped on you.  This happened to a friend who broke her hip as a result of the fall.


Or how would you like to be attacked and bitten by a pit bull - or other dogs who have been taught to attack?  Again, this has happened much more than it should have.  And please don't lecture me about pit bulls being friendly dogs - it doesn't have to be a pit bull - and you clearly get my point.


If you don't want your dog "living on a chain" then don't have one unless you can assure it has a big yard to run in and/or you can daily take it to a dog park.

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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?

This incident happened 2 months ago. Husband was walking home with our 11 lb cavapoo on leash. A lady came around corner with large black dog that broke away from her, raced across street and attacked our dog. Poor puppy was being thrown around like a rag doll. Husband tried to pull our dog away, but the big dog jumped him and knocked him down hard on the concrete street. He is 82 years old. Lady finally pulled her dog back, and hubby brought our dog home bleeding. Lady paid vet bill, but our dog needed stitches and was in cone for 14 days. Could have been worse. Hubby was bruised and sore, but lucky nothing worse at his age. The large dog was a rescue mastiff/cane corso mix and was wearing a zap collar that was ineffective. Owner said husband usually walks dog, but once in while she does it. She's a small lady and apparently doesn't have strength to control dog. Our pup, only a year old, is now very wary of other dogs.

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Re: Walkers, Runners, and Dogs?


There are countless dogs in my neighborhood and along the walking path I follow. They're all fenced in or on leashes, thank goodness. 


Years ago, a neighbor let their pit bull run free. The police had so many complaints that they moved. They even went house to house for information. I was relieved when they moved.