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😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

Was at my local Walgreens yesterday morning.  I asked the sales person if this store was closing?  His response..."it has not been made publically."  I stated back at him, "I realize that, reason why I am asking YOU an employee."


His remark, "the store manager told the employees that if there was a Rite Aid ACROSS THE STREET, this store will close."

I remarked, "Well, CVS is next door!"

His remark, "Walgreens DOES NOT own CVS."


Based on that, I am assuming that since Walgreens owns Rite Aid and if they are across the street from one another, that Walgreens store will close up.

The one I go to, the nearest Rite Aid is about 2 miles from Walgreens.  So my Walgreens is safe.  There are only 2 Walgreens in my town & only 1 Rite Aid.

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Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

Over the summer Walgreens just took over a RiteAid here in RI.  CVS is not far away, they are SO expensive so I am glad we did not lose a more affordable option,

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Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

@Mz iMac  Nearby where I live there were in fact a Walgeens and a Rite Aid across the street from each other but it was the Rite Aid that closed. I think the decision is being made case by case and possibly includes factors such as store size, which of the two buildings is newer, positioned better, has better parking and so on. In this instance, they were both nice stores, but the Walgreens was the newer and larger building and the parking lot is in much better shape. The now closed Rite Aid has been for lease now for months.

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Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

I have not stepped into a  BM drug store in probably 15 years.  I buy all my goods online..if I do need something NOW,  I buy it at Fred Meyers when I grocery shop.  I get any prescriptions I need at Freddy’s as well.


No need for Rite Aid,,,CVS or Walgreens for me. 

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Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

The Rite Aid in my town closed when Walgreens opened.  CVS is on the third corner and an antique store is on the fourth corner.


The Rite Aid has been empty for over a year.

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Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

My convenient and bright Rite-Aid got closed by Walgreen last year so have had to drive to nearest "W".  Not a Walgreen fan - designed like a big warehouse.  So now a Dollar Store took over my fav Rite-Aid - which will cut traffic to Walgreens.  Shot themselves in the foot.  Yes, Dollar stores have to clear out shelves of 'out of date' products which hit the news yesterday. 

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Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

Our Rite-Aid is in the process of restocking their shelves and converting to Walgreens.  The employees will remain the same and thank heavens the pharmacy will also be the same.  My Rite-Aid had the best pharmacy I have ever encountered and so I was very relieved that it will remain the same.

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Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

@Mz iMac wrote:

Was at my local Walgreens yesterday morning.  I asked the sales person if this store was closing?  His response..."it has not been made publically."  I stated back at him, "I realize that, reason why I am asking YOU an employee."


His remark, "the store manager told the employees that if there was a Rite Aid ACROSS THE STREET, this store will close."

I remarked, "Well, CVS is next door!"

His remark, "Walgreens DOES NOT own CVS."


Based on that, I am assuming that since Walgreens owns Rite Aid and if they are across the street from one another, that Walgreens store will close up.

The one I go to, the nearest Rite Aid is about 2 miles from Walgreens.  So my Walgreens is safe.  There are only 2 Walgreens in my town & only 1 Rite Aid.

They don't. They had planned to acquire them, but called off the deal in 2017 and bought 2000+ stores, some inventory and 3 distribution centers. The Rite Aid chain still exists, just with a smaller footprint. 


It surprises me that Walgreens would close one of their stores in favor of a Rite Aid store nearby. Walgreens was the first chain to have drive thru pharmacies and was always very particular about getting the optimal piece of land to build on. Perhaps the ones that are closing are older or something. 

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Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

[ Edited ]

We don’t have Rite-Aid here...but almost every Walgreens has a CVS going up right next to it. At least four in our part of town have opened in the past month.  I think CVS is too expensive so I rarely shop there. They want  $12 for the same nail polish that I can go across the street to Walgreens and buy for $7. I am sure Walgreens will be the winner in this, and CVS may be building too many, too fast. 

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Posts: 19,036
Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: 😎 Walgreen Closings: What I found out (sort of) 😎

@FrostyBabe1 wrote:

It surprises me that Walgreens would close one of their stores in favor of a Rite Aid store nearby. Walgreens was the first chain to have drive thru pharmacies and was always very particular about getting the optimal piece of land to build on. Perhaps the ones that are closing are older or something. 

@FrostyBabe1 The one I went to was built from the ground up.  Land was purchased by them.

I have never been to, seen nor know where the 2nd Walgreen is in my town.  Could be on a major highway which I avoid at all cost.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
